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5 Must-Have Features in a paper roll wrapping machine

Sep. 09, 2024

TR-150 Tablet & Candy Roll Wrapping Machine

Candy Wrapping Machine: The Ultimate FAQ Guide

If you want to upgrade or invest in a completely new candy wrapping machine, then you should read this guide.

Please visit our website for more information on this topic.

It covers everything, from basic to advanced aspects of candy wrapping equipment.

The information will help you choose a cGMP compliant, safe, efficient and high-tech candy wrapping machine.

Here is what you should know:


What is Candy Wrapping Machine?

Candy wrapping machine is a device that you can use to wrap candy in wrappers including paper laminated materials and aluminum foil.

 Candy wrapping machine

What are the Benefits of Candy Wrapping Machine?

When using this candy packer machine, you will experience the following advantages:

· Time Saving Equipment

Using an automatic candy wrapping machine will save you a lot of time lost through manual wrapping.

Manual wrapping will consume a lot of time and is often tedious.

You will save energy and time when you bring an automatic candy wrapping machine into your production line.

· Enhancement of Product Attractiveness

Candy wrapping machine will give your products an attractive look and make them stand out from other candy products.

· Protect Candy from External Damage from Dust and Moisture

Using the right type of wrappers will ensure that the candy is safe from such an external environmental factor.

You will be able to supply safe and clean candy to the suppliers without the risk of damages from moisture and dust.

· Increase in Efficiency

Using a candy wrapping machine, you will be able to wrap the candy efficiently without having issues of lose wrappers.

Apart from that, you will ensure great uniformity in the candy wrapping process which would not be possible with manual wrapping.

· Faster Wrapping Process

You will achieve your daily production target by using the automatic candy wrapping machine.

Since it is automatic, it is capable of efficiently wrapping different types of candy at a high speed.

· Increase in Production

You will also increase the level of productivity as the automatic candy wrapping machine will increase the output,

Proper integration of the candy making machine and the candy wrapping machine will yield higher rates of production.

· Cost Effective Process

Using the automatic candy wrapping machine will eliminate the need for having many employees in the company.

You will be able to save on the cost of labor and increase the production level thus making it more cost effective.

· Increase in Safety

You will also work in an environment where you are sure of the safety of your workers as well as that of the machine.

Candy wrapping machine has special sensors that will stop the machine automatically when it detects a problem.

Are there Drawbacks of Candy Wrapping Machines?

 Candy packing equipment

Yes, there are drawbacks of the candy wrapping machine.

Despite the numerous benefits, you will also feel the pinch of using a candy wrapping machine at some instances.

Some of the disadvantages of using a candy wrapping machine include:

· High Cost of Purchasing

You will have to dig deeper into your pockets to purchase a custom automatic candy wrapping machine.

The initial cost of purchasing the machine is high prompting you to spend a lot of money

· High Cost of Installation

Apart from the high cost of purchasing, you will also spend a lot of money in the installation process.

This includes finding enough space for the machine as well as paying technicians who will assist in the installation process.

· Better Hygiene

Using the candy wrapping machine will ensure that you produce candy of very high hygienic standards.

There are very minimal cases of human handling of the candy thus reducing the chances of contamination.

How does Chocolate Wrapping Machine compare to Candy Wrapping Machine?

Chocolate wrapping machine and the Candy wrapping machines are a confectionary machines that increases the ease of producing candy and chocolate.

You will use a candy wrapping machine to wrap candy and a chocolate wrapping machine to wrap chocolate.

In many cases, the wrapping papers are similar but, on some occasions, you will find see great differences in the wrappers.

Chocolate wrapping machines will barely use the twisting method to wrap chocolate which is quite common in wrapping candy.

Additionally, chocolate wrapping machine passes through a more delicate process in comparison to that of candy wrapping.

Implying that chocolate is more of a delicate confectionary in comparison to candy and require better handling.

Chocolate wrapping machine

Why use High Speed Candy Wrapping Machine?

You should consider sing high speed candy wrapping machines due to a lot of benefits.

High speed candy wrapping machine is capable of integrating numerous functions into one machine.

You will be able to release the full effect of the candy only through the use of the right wrapping systems.

The high-speed candy wrapping machines use the latest form of technology in the wrapping process to produce top speed packaging.

You will also have the best opportunity of boosting your value chain as well as the name of your production line.

You will also handle the wrapping of a wide range of candy such as glucose sweets, wine gums, and compressed tablets.

Apart from that, you will also wrap marzipan, caramels, sweets, as well as fruit gums.

High speed candy wrapping machines also incorporate different forms of wrapping such as twist wrapping of soft and hard candy.

You will have minimal restrictions on the levels you can reach in wrapping candy using the high-speed candy wrapping machine.

How does Double Twist Candy Wrapping Machine Compare to Single Twist Candy Wrapping Machine?

Single Twist candy Wrapping Machine is a high-speed machine that you can use in packaging different shapes of candy.

Some of the shapes that you can wrap include square, round, rectangular and ellipse candies among others into single twist style.

You can wrap different products at a speed of 350 products per minute according to the product.

 Technical drawing of candy packer

Parts and Components of Single Twist Candy Wrapping Machine

Here are some of the parts of the single twist candy wrapping machine that assist in the wrapping process.

· PLC Control Panel

It comes complete with a friendly human machine interface on and a touch screen for easy control of the machine.

You can also program and monitor operations of the machine according to the production specifications from the PLC control panel.

· Feeder System

This is the part that will feed the machine with the candy as well as the wrappers.

It consists of a product hopper for the candy and the wrappers thus providing a better wrapping system.

· Distribution System

This is main transport system of the machine that consists of motors, conveyors, and gears.

It steers the operations of the machine by moving things from one station to the next.

· Wrapping System

This part has other parts such as the wrapping pistons and disks which enhances the flexibility of the wrapping system.

You will rely on this part as the main area where the machine wraps the candy.

· Automatic Printing System

The printing system acts as the main decorating system which prints the dates and names on the candy wrappers.

· Lubrication System

This is the part of the machine that will oil the candy and wrapping paper for smooth wrapping transitions.

· Automatic Alarm Systems

This is the part of the machine that will sense the presence of products and wrapping paper.

It also has an alarm system that will warn you in case of any danger with the operations of the machine.

Working Principle of Single Twist Candy Wrapping Machine

Here is a step by step guide through the working principle of a single twist candy wrapping machine.

· Step One: Preparation Stage

First, you will have to prepare the machine by making sure it is in the right working condition.

At the same time, you will integrate it with the main candy producing machine and load the paper hopper.

After that, you will program the machine accordingly and allow it to proceed with the wrapping procedure.

· Step Two: Wrapping Candy

As soon as the machine is on the go, you will sit by the control by the control panel and monitor the progress.

Candy will move from the main candy producing machine and into the candy wrapping machine hopper.

At the same time, the machine will release the wrapping paper from the wrapping paper hopper.

The candy, as well as the wrapping paper, will move straight into the wrapping zone simultaneously.

Once at the wrapping zone, the machine will encapsulate the candy with the wrapping paper and twist the tip.

It will twist only one side of the stiff wrapping paper and seal the wrapping paper completely.

· Step Three: Final Stage

Finally, the machine will move the wrapped candy to the printing zone for printing of names and dates.

It will discharge the candy after a successful wrapping procedure.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Single Twist Candy Wrapping Machine

The main advantages that you will experience while using this machine include:

  • It is capable of providing enough protection against dust, moisture and harsh light among other contaminants.
  • The machine is also easy to operate and provides better human machine interface.
  • It wraps candy with elegant wrapping papers thus maintaining an elegant and appealing look.
  • You will also be able to increase the rate of production since it wraps more than 300 sweets per minute

The main disadvantages of the single twist candy wrapping machine include:

  • The initial cost of purchasing and installation of the machine is high.
  • You will also have to hire professionals to assist in operating the machine.

Double Twist Candy Wrapping Machine

A double twist candy wrapping machine is a device that you can use to wrap candy with a twist on both sides.

It is capable of wrapping candy within the following ranges:

i. 12-34mm

ii. Width 12-34mm

iii. Thickness 6-20mm

Parts and components of a Double Twist Candy Wrapping Machine

A double twist candy wrapping machine is capable of performing the wrapping function with the help of the parts.

The main parts that the machine depends on include:

· Double Brush Feed Plate System

This is the part of the machine that feeds the candy straight to the wrapping zone.

· Double Paper Feed Reel Holder

This is the part that holds the wrapping paper for the candy which comes in two parts.

The two parts consist of the inner wrapper holding system as well as the outer wrapper holding system.

· Paper Feed System

This is an air assisted paper feed system which provides the wrapping paper the machine requires for wrapping purposes.

· Sensors

It comes complete with an electronic optical eye sensor which will detect the presence of wrapping paper.

Apart from that, it also has sensors on the machine which will detect the any problem and stop the machine.

· Clear Guards

This is the part of the machine that provides the operator with ultimate protection in case of an accident.

· AC Motor with Transducer

It has an infinite speed controller with very high precision and saves energy to prolong the service life.

Working Principle of Double Twist Candy Wrapping Machine

Here is a step by step guide to how a double twist candy wrapping machine works.

Step One: Preparation Stage

First, you will confirm and make sure that the machine is in proper working condition to avoid faults.

After that, you will load the wrapping papers into the feed real holder.

In this case, you will load two types of wrapping papers for the inner and outer layer.

Step Two: Wrapping Candy Stage

At this stage, you will allow the machine to start the candy wrapping process after proper programing.

The candy producing machine will feed the candy wrapping machine with candy at a particular rate.

At the same time, the paper feed system will release the wrapping papers at a certain rate.

The candy and the wrapping papers will meet at the candy wrapping zone at the same time.

At this point, the machine will cut the inner and outer layer of the wrapping paper before encapsulating the candy.

After that, the machine will twist and seal both sides of the wrappers at the same time.

Step Three: Final Printing Stage

The machine will move the candy to the printing stage before releasing it for storage and transportation.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Double Twist Candy Wrapping Machine

Here are some of the advantages of using the double twist candy wrapping machine.

  • It produces a classic and familiar style candy wrap that has been in existence for a very long time.
  • It is easy to use as it has a user-friendly human machine interface with touch screen control panel.
  • It is easy to clean and maintain as you will spend very little money in the cleaning process.
  • It works at a very high speed usually wrapping over 500 candies in a minute.
  • It works smoothly and produces low noise thus maintaining a cool working environment.
  • Food touching parts adopt stainless steel material which is smooth and easy to clean.

The major disadvantages of using the machine include:

  • High cost of purchasing and installation
  • Hiring professionals to operate the machine is also costly.

What is the best Material for Wrapping Candy?

The best material that you can use in the process of wrapping candy is aluminum foil or paper laminated materials.

The material ensures that candy is free from external contaminants such as moisture and dust making it safe for consumption.

Additionally, the material is also capable of keeping candy in fresh conditions thus increasing the shelf life of candy.

What&#;s more, the material is strong enough to prevent wear and tear and withstand frequent pressure from different handling systems.

What is A Candy Roll Wrapping Machine?

Candy roll wrapping machine is a device that will wrap cylindrical candy using folding and heat-sealing processes.

It comes complete with a PLC control panel and inverters that assist in the wrapping process.

The best material that you can use with a roll wrapping machine is polypropylene film.

How does Candy Roll Wrapping Machine Work?

Here is a step by step process of how a candy roll wrapping machine works.

 Candy roll wrapping machine

Step One: Integration

First, you will have to integrate the candy roll wrapping machine with the candy processing machine.

This will automatically feed the candy roll wrapping machine with the cylindrical candy for wrapping.

The machine works on the principle of applying heat sealable films to the cylindrical candy.

Step two: Feeding the Candy to the Wrapping System

With all the factors such as wrapping material in place, you will allow the machine to proceed.

It comes complete with a vibration hopper feeding system, which feeds the candy into right configurations for wrapping.

After that, the machine will convey candy to the wrapping head for the purpose of wrapping, rolling and gluing.

On a conveyor belt, the machine will move the candy to the packaging system and wrap it with the polypropylene film.

With the help of an out-feed conveyor system, the machine will discharge the wrapped cylindrical candy.

Finally, the machine will press the two ends of the wrap before discharging it for storage or other processes.

Why Choose Cut and Twist Candy Wrapping Machine?

You can use a cut and twist candy wrapping machine to close up the ends of the wrapper by twisting.

In that case, you can use cellophane which is a tough material that is able to twist and seal.

The wrapper also produces a pleasant crackling sound during the process of unwrapping the candy.

You can use the cut and twist candy wrapping machine in high speed processes of wrapping candy.

It is capable of achieving a throughput of 300 wrapped candy in a minute.

Is Candy Bar Wrapping Machine same as Chocolate Bar Wrapping Machine?

Candy bar wrapping machine is not the same as chocolate wrapping machine.

You will use a candy bar wrapping machine to wrap candy bars and a chocolate wrapping machine to wrap chocolate.

Despite the differences, you will use both machines to pack different types of confectionaries that have sugar.

Implying that, you can use a chocolate wrapping machine to wrap confectionaries such as candy and chocolate.

What should you Consider when Choosing Candy Packaging Machine?

When choosing a candy wrapping machine, there are specific factors that you have to take under consideration.

Here are the main factors that will influence your choice for a candy wrapping machine.

Candy wrapping equipment

· Technical Capabilities

You will have to consider technical factors such as dimensions of the machine in terms of weight and size.

This will be in line with your production requirements and the space within your warehouse.

· Labor Requirements

You have to make it clear is you will need to hire human labor in the production process.

For an automatic candy wrapping machine, you will hire very few people in comparison to a manual candy wrapping machine.

· Safety of the Machine and Workers

You should consider purchasing a machine that is safe for you and other workers.

It must have sensors that will automatically stop the machine in case of any hitches.

· Maintainability and Serviceability

You should consider a machine that is simple and cost effective when it comes to servicing and maintenance.

· Reliability of Candy Wrapping Machine

Your choice of machine should be reliable and never let you down when you need it the most.

It should be flexible enough and manage even the smallest and biggest candy production lines.

· Ability to Integrate into the Packaging Line

Your machine should integrate perfectly into the packaging line to make a complete candy production line.

· Capital Cost and Returns

You should purchase a machine that is within your budget and should also have proper returns for your investment.

· Energy Requirements

You should have proper power outlines that will dictate the amount of power the machine needs for proper operations.

· QualityQualifications (for food, pharmaceuticals, etc.)

You must consider the quality specifications in terms of hygiene ensuring that the wrapping process id safe for consumers.

Is Automatic Candy Wrapper same as High Speed Candy Wrapping Machine?

Automatic candy wrapper is not the same as high speed candy wrapping machine.

Despite the fact that they work at very high speeds to wrap candy, the two machines have differences.

One of the major differences in the two machines is the level of automation.

High speed candy wrapping machine may have a lesser level of automation in comparison to automatic candy wrapper.

An automatic candy wrapper has certain features that you will not get in a high-speed candy wrapping machine.

Automatic candy wrappers have advanced level of automation where the machine performs multiple functions automatically.

Goto Eopac Machinery to know more.

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What are the advantages of packaging machine?

This includes features such as:

  • Auto-correction when the wrapping films jams the operations of the machine.
  • Auto-adjusting the dimensions according to weight of the candy under the wrapping process.

Automatic candy wrappers have the ability of allowing shorter product runs plus efficient and fast changeovers.

Can you use Gummy Bear Packaging Machine to Wrap Candy?

Yes, you can use gummy bear packaging machine to wrap candy.

Since gummy bear candy falls under the category of confectionaries, the wrapping machines can be similar.

The wrapping principle of candy is the same except for a few exceptions.

The exceptions will depend on the type of candy you are handling which in most cases are delicate.

Why Trust SaintyCo Candy Wrapping Machine?

You can trust SaintyCo candy wrapping machines because of the following reasons:

  • SaintyCo uses the state-of-the-art modern machinery and technology in the production of candy wrapping machines.
  • It also maintains a high level of hygiene in the production process of the candy wrapping machine.
  • SaintyCo also offers the best alternatives in terms of customer care as well as proper after sales services.
  • You will receive the bets designing assistance from the experienced staff when making a custom candy wrapping machine.

How do you Integrate Candy Wrapping Machine in Candy Manufacturing Line?

Modern candy wrapping machines integrates perfectly with the candy manufacturing line.

It comes complete with parts that you can easily attach to the candy producing machine.

As the candy moves from the candy production line, it moves directly into the candy wrapping machine.

You can integrate the machines and have a single operation line which you can easily operate from one human machine interface.

This form of integration will increase productivity and reduce the cost of the wrapping film.

How does Candy Roll Wrapping Machine compare to Overwrapping Machine?

In many cases, you will use the candy roll wrapping machines in the process of wrapping cylindrical candy such as biscuits.

It is similar to an overwrapping machine as the product will pass across a sheet of film thus creating horizontal seals.

In both candy roll wrapping and overwrapping machines, you will create the end seals using a system of folding operations.

Apart from that, the two machines also have their differences in terms of the mode of handling products.

Roll wrapping handles the more delicate confectionary and does not allow two packs to be in contact.

It will smoothly guide the delicate confectionary into the packaging machinery without contact with others.

On the other hand, overwrapping does not work with delicate products thus allowing the candy to be in contact.

Which Industries use Candy Wrapping Machine?

You can use the candy wrapping machine in different industries such as:

· Food and Beverage Industry

You can use this machine to wrap different types of candy in the food and beverage industry.

It assists in the maintenance of high standards of hygiene in the wrapping of candy.

Apart from that, it increases the safety of the consumer as well as the people working in the production plant.

· Medical and Pharmaceutical Industry

You can use it in the medical and pharmaceutical industry in wrapping different types of medical pills.

Apart from that, it helps in the wrapping of operational gloves in air tight packs.

It helps in the maintenance of high levels of hygiene in the process of wrapping the different types and sizes of tablets.

· Cosmetics Industry

You can use the candy wrapping machine in the cosmetics industry to wrap a wide scope of cosmetic products.

It improves the overall appearance of the cosmetic products thus making them more attractive to the customers.

· Stationery Industry

You can use a candy wrapping machine to wrap different shapes and sizes of stationary.

It makes it simple to make changes and easy to adjust the package to reveal the content.

It helps in wrapping these products in air tight conditions thus making them safer and durable.

You can use the candy wrapping machine to wrap stationary including pencils, ball point pens and sketches among others.

· Industrial Components

You can use it in other mechanical industries to wrap industrial components such as locks, and hollow pin chains among others.

Which Validation Documents do you need when Buying Candy Wrapping Machine?

When purchasing a candy wrapping machine, you have to make sure that it is in the right working conditions.

You will have to perform various tests in the presence of your supplier and receive the necessary validation documents.

Here are the validation documents that you need to have when purchasing a candy wrapping machine.

· Candy Wrapping Machine FAT Documentation

Your supplier will issue with a FAT document after he has confirmed that the machine is working properly at the factory.

You will receive FAT documentation after the machine goes through proper factory assessment test.

Your supplier will subject the candy wrapping machine through a series of tests and inspections.

This test subjects the candy making machine through dynamic and static inspection.

Static testing of the candy wrapping machine involves the following:

i. Electrical Inspection where all t electrical components go through thorough inspection to test their efficiency in power supply.

ii. Safety Inspection involving every component of the machine including sensors that will inform you of any problems.

iii. Mechanical Inspection involving inspection of the moving parts of the machine as well as other functional units.

Dynamic tests of the candy wrapping machine include dry tests as well as how the machine performs.

You will add the necessary ingredients that you need when doing the performance test.

Dry tests involve testing the candy wrapping machine without the use of the ingredients to test its working condition.

· Installation Qualification (IQ) Validation Documentation for Candy Wrapping Machine

At the installation stage, you will also perform a test to ensure that the candy wrapping machine is in proper conditions.

One of the tests that you will perform is the test of validity where you will check different factors such as material.

You can test the validity of the 316 stainless steel in reference to the manufacturing details.

You have to go through every part of the candy wrapping machine to make sure that they are in perfect condition.

What&#;s more, you will also have a look at the power requirements of the candy wrapping machine at your working station.

You will receive an installation document to prove that the machine is working after the installation process.

· Candy Wrapping Machine Operational Qualification (OQ) Validation Document

After the final installation process, you need to confirm that the machine is operating well.

This is because the machine might develop some complications during the transportation or installation process.

Your supplier will always send a technician who will confirm that the machine is in the right operation condition after installation.

Finally, you will receive an OQ validation document as the last validation document among the three.

Remember that the validation process has to be in accordance with the current good manufacturing practices.

How do you Maintain Candy Wrapping Machine?

You need to maintain a candy wrapping machine in order to have it in the right working conditions for long.

You can maintain the candy wrapping machine by regularly cleaning the machine and greasing the moving parts.

Apart from that, you will also have to replace the worn-out parts on a regular basis.

Here is a step by step procedure which you can follow when cleaning a candy wrapping machine.

 Candy wrapping machine automation

· Step One: Disconnecting the Machine

After disconnecting the machine from the power supply, let it cool down for a while.

As it cools down, you will prepare the cleaning tools such as a rag, water, and detergents.

Make sure that you use detergents that will not affect the integrity of the machine.

· Step Two: Dismantling Parts of the Machine

You will also remove the parts of the machine that you can easily remove and replace.

This will allow you to have access to the inner inaccessible parts.

· Step Three: Cleaning Process

At this point, you will begin the cleaning process by cleaning the external parts of the machine.

You can soak the parts with stubborn stains to make it easy when you will be scrubbing them off.

After a successful cleaning process, you should dry the parts in the air or with a clean dry rug.

Apart from that, you will also check the parts that are worn out and replace them immediately.

· Step Four: Replacing the parts

After completing the cleaning process, you should replace the parts of the candy wrapping machine accordingly.

You should replace the parts carefully and grease the moving parts to reduce friction.

Apart from the above method of maintenance, you can also have the CIP cleaning method.

CIP is clean in place method for the candy wrapping machine which cleans parts of the machine that are inaccessible.

It is an efficient method that will:

i. Increase the efficiency of utilization of the cleaning equipment such as water, chemicals and cleaning time.

ii. Ultimately, it will boost or improve the productivity of your production line.

It will allow you to clean the piping systems and other parts without going through the dismantling process.

You can either decide on the following methods of CIP cleaning including:

i. Recovery CIP which will recycle most of the liquid you use in cleaning

ii. One shot which will eliminate all the liquid you use in the cleaning process.

How can you Troubleshoot Candy Wrapping Machine?

In the process of using a candy wrapping machine, you might come across technical hitches that derail your work.

Some of the problems that you might encounter while using the candy wrapping machine include:

Candy wrapping machine PLC Interface

· Wrapping Film Running Off the Center

You can actually experience a few issues with the wrapping film including:

i. Roll of the film not being at the center of the spindle

ii. Film Roll that is poorly wound

iii. Loose film rolls on the spindle

iv. Unaligned belts to the tube

You can sort this out by replacing the problematic film with a better one as you repair the broken one.

Apart from that, you should align the belts of the candy wrapping machine accordingly.

· Wrapping Film not Tracking Accordingly

In the process of troubleshooting the machine, you will also realize that:

i. The film roll is deviating away from the spindle

ii. It might also be loose and not on a proper line of the carriage.

You will sort this by tightening the spindle and proper alignment of the roll at the center of the spindle.

You can also replace the wrapping film with a proper one that has proper threading.

· Stagnant Wrapping Film Feed Belt

You will troubleshoot and check out the following parts of the candy wrapping machine:

i. Tightness of belt against the machines tube

ii. Gear box and film drive couplings

iii. Cables and drive of the film feed motor

iv. Bearings of the belt drive shaft.

You can sort this out by adjusting the gearbox, drive cables, and loosening the belt of film feed motor.

Apart from that, you should consider adjusting belt bearings of the drive shaft.

· Presence of Creases on the Wrapping Film

You can also have creases on the wrapping film due to the following reasons:

i. A forming collar that is worn out

ii. Improper adjustments on the forming collar

iii. Improper alignment of the setup roller

iv. Obstructions on the forming collar

v. Roller contamination on the path of the film

You have to replace a new forming collar and make sure that you place and adjust it correctly.

· Jams at the Forming Tube

After troubleshooting, your candy wrapping machine may have the following issues:

i. Sticking of the film due to hot vertical seal

ii. High friction on the coefficient of the film

iii. Vertical seal band experiencing excess pressure

To reduce excess heat and friction on moving parts, you should use proper parameters.

How does Manual Candy Wrapping Machine compare to Automatic Candy Wrapping Machine?

There are two main categories of the candy wrapping machine that you can choose from.

These are the manual candy wrapping machine and the automatic candy wrapping machine.

You can compare a manual candy wrapping machine and an automatic candy wrapping machine by looking at the following:

· Cost of Production

Using a manual candy wrapping machine is actually cheaper than using an automatic candy wrapping machine.

This is in terms of purchasing the machine as manual candy wrapping machines are cheaper.

You might need to acquire a lot of human labor to assist in using the manual candy wrapping machine.

In the long run, using the automatic candy wrapping machine is cheaper despite the high cost of purchasing.

· Speed of Production

Automatic candy wrapping machine wrap candy at a higher speed in comparison to the manual candy wrapping machines.

You will be able to achieve a faster rate of production using the automatic candy wrapping machine.

· Overall Output

In the long run, you will have a much better output using the automatic candy wrapping machine due to the speed.

· Efficiency of Production

An automatic candy wrapping machine is more accurate and delivers proper wrappers on the candy.

It will efficiently wrap the candy with the wrappers and eliminate the need for further checks and balances.

What are the Quality Standards for Candy Wrapping Equipment?

One of the major factors to consider before you purchase a candy wrapping machine is the quality standards.

You can easily check the certification marks to ensure that the machine conforms to the right standards.

Here are some of the certification marks of conformity and quality of the machine:

  • International Standards Organization Certification of conformity and quality (ISO certification).
  • CE certification for all the electrical components of the candy wrapping machine.
  • CO certification mark of conformity and quality
  • MSD for machine safety derivatives
  • SGS certification of quality and conformity
  • EMC certification for electromagnetic compatibility of the machine.
  • PAD certification for physical agent directive certification
  • FDA for the food and drug administration certification of quality and conformity
  • PUWER for provision and use of work equipment regulation certification of quality and conformity.

Exploring Packaging Film Materials for Roll Stock Packing ...


Packaging plays a crucial role in protecting, preserving, and marketing products. The choice of packaging film materials is a critical aspect of the packaging process, as it influences the performance, functionality, and sustainability of the final package. Roll stock packing machines are a popular choice for creating various types of packaging. This comprehensive guide explores the different packaging film materials available for roll stock packing machines and provides insights into their applications and benefits.

Types of Packaging Film Materials

There are four primary types of packaging film materials:

  1. Plastic films
  2. Aluminum foil
  3. Paper films
  4. Biodegradable materials

Each type of material offers unique properties and advantages, making them suitable for specific applications.

Plastic Films

Plastic films are the most common type of packaging film material used in roll stock packing machines. They are versatile, lightweight, and provide excellent barrier properties. Some of the most commonly used plastic films include:

  • Polyethylene (PE): Low-density polyethylene (LDPE) and high-density polyethylene (HDPE) films are known for their flexibility, moisture resistance, and cost-effectiveness. They are widely used in food packaging, such as for snack bags, frozen food packaging, and produce bags.
  • Polypropylene (PP): PP films offer excellent clarity, heat resistance, and barrier properties. They are often used in packaging applications that require high-quality printing, such as candy wrappers, labels, and flexible lidding.
  • Polyvinyl chloride (PVC): PVC films are highly transparent, flexible, and offer good barrier properties. They are commonly used in pharmaceutical packaging, shrink wrap, and cling films.
  • Polyethylene terephthalate (PET): PET films are strong, lightweight, and offer excellent gas barrier properties. They are used in a variety of applications, such as stand-up pouches, beverage bottles, and microwavable packaging.

Aluminum Foil

Aluminum foil is a popular packaging film material due to its excellent barrier properties, heat resistance, and lightweight nature. It is often used in combination with other materials, such as plastic or paper films, to create multi-layered packaging solutions. Aluminum foil is commonly used for packaging food products that require long shelf life, such as chocolate, coffee, and tea, as well as pharmaceutical products.

Paper Films

Paper films are a traditional packaging film material with a variety of applications. They provide a natural, sustainable, and biodegradable alternative to plastic and aluminum foil. Some commonly used paper films include:

  • Kraft paper: Known for its strength and durability, kraft paper is often used for packaging dry food products, such as tea, coffee, and spices.
  • Glassine paper: Glassine is a translucent, grease-resistant paper that is often used for packaging bakery items, candies, and pharmaceuticals.
  • Wax paper: Wax paper is moisture-resistant and non-stick, making it suitable for packaging greasy or sticky food products, such as baked goods, cheese, and meat.

Biodegradable Materials

As sustainability becomes a growing concern in the packaging industry, biodegradable materials are gaining popularity. These materials are designed to break down naturally, reducing the environmental impact of packaging waste. Some examples of biodegradable packaging film materials include:

  • Polylactic acid (PLA): PLA is a biodegradable and compostable plastic derived from renewable resources, such as cornstarch. It is commonly used for food packaging, such as produce bags, and disposable cutlery.
  • Starch-based materials: Starch-based films are derived from renewable plant sources, such as corn or potatoes. They are often used for packaging applications that require moisture resistance and biodegradability, such as snack food bags and disposable plates.
  • Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA): PHA is a biodegradable and compostable polymer derived from microorganisms. It is used in various packaging applications, including food packaging, agricultural films, and disposable cutlery.

Recyclable and Compostable Packaging Materials

In an effort to reduce environmental impact, many businesses are turning to recyclable and compostable packaging materials. Some examples include:

  • Recyclable plastic films: These films can be processed and converted into new products, reducing waste and conserving resources. Examples include polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), and polyethylene terephthalate (PET).
  • Compostable films: These films break down under specific composting conditions, turning into valuable organic matter. Examples include polylactic acid (PLA) and polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA).

Advantages of Different Packaging Film Materials

Each packaging film material offers specific advantages:

  • Plastic films: These films are lightweight, durable, and versatile. They provide excellent barrier properties and can be used for a wide range of applications.
  • Aluminum foil: This material offers excellent heat resistance and barrier properties, making it ideal for products requiring airtight packaging or long shelf life.
  • Paper films: Paper films are biodegradable and can be easily printed on, making them a popular choice for sustainable packaging.
  • Biodegradable materials: These materials help reduce environmental impact by breaking down into harmless components after disposal.

Comparing Packaging Film Materials: A Case Study

Let&#;s explore a case study comparing two different packaging film materials for a snack food product:

  1. Plastic film (PET/PE): This combination offers excellent barrier properties, ensuring the product stays fresh and protected from moisture and oxygen. The material is also cost-effective and easy to work with on roll stock packing machines.
  2. Compostable film (PLA): This material is environmentally friendly and breaks down under composting conditions. However, it may not offer the same level of barrier protection as the plastic film, potentially affecting product shelf life.

In this case, the choice between the two materials will depend on the business&#;s priorities: cost-effectiveness and performance versus environmental sustainability.

Industry-Specific Applications of Packaging Film Materials

Different industries may have specific requirements for packaging film materials:

  • Food and beverage: Barrier properties, heat resistance, and food safety are crucial factors in this industry. Plastic films, aluminum foil, and biodegradable materials are commonly used.
  • Pharmaceutical: Barrier properties, product protection, and compliance with regulatory standards are essential in the pharmaceutical industry. Plastic films, aluminum foil, and paper films are often used.
  • Cosmetics and personal care: These products often require attractive packaging and effective barrier properties. Plastic films, paper films, and aluminum foil are popular choices.
  • Agriculture: Packaging materials for agricultural products must be durable and provide adequate protection. Plastic films, paper films, and biodegradable materials are commonly used.

By understanding the unique requirements of different industries, businesses can select the most suitable packaging film material for their roll stock packing machines.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Packaging Film Materials

When selecting the right packaging film material for roll stock packing machines, there are several factors to consider:

  1. Barrier properties: Choose a material that provides the necessary barrier properties for the specific product being packaged. Consider factors such as moisture, oxygen, and light transmission.
  2. Heat resistance: If the packaging process involves high temperatures or if the final package will be exposed to heat, select a material with suitable heat resistance.
  3. Sealability: The material should be compatible with the roll stock packing machine&#;s sealing mechanism, ensuring a strong and reliable seal.
  4. Printability: If the packaging requires high-quality printing, choose a material with excellent printability.
  5. Sustainability: Consider the environmental impact of the material, opting for biodegradable or recyclable materials when possible.
  6. Cost: Select a material that fits within the budget while meeting the necessary packaging requirements.

Customizing Packaging Film Materials for Your Brand

To create a unique and memorable packaging experience, businesses can customize packaging film materials in various ways:

  • Printing: High-quality printing can showcase your brand&#;s logo, colors, and designs on the packaging material.
  • Surface treatments: Surface treatments, such as matte or glossy finishes, can enhance the appearance of the packaging material.
  • Special features: Adding special features, such as tear notches or resealable zippers, can improve functionality and user experience.

By customizing packaging film materials, businesses can create a packaging solution that stands out in the market and resonates with consumers.

Integrating Film Materials with Roll Stock Packing Machines

To achieve the best results in packaging, it is essential to integrate the chosen packaging film material with the roll stock packing machine effectively. Proper integration ensures compatibility, enables seamless production, and guarantees optimal sealing for the packaged product.


Compatibility between the packaging film material and the roll stock packing machine is crucial for smooth operation. Before selecting a packaging film, consider the following factors:

  1. Material thickness: The machine should be capable of handling the chosen film&#;s thickness. Ensure that the film&#;s thickness is within the machine&#;s specified range to prevent issues such as tearing or jamming.
  2. Film type: Roll stock packing machines may be designed to work with specific film materials, such as plastic films, aluminum foil, or paper films. Confirm that the machine is compatible with the chosen material to avoid production issues.
  3. Roll dimensions: Ensure that the packaging film&#;s roll dimensions, such as width and diameter, are compatible with the machine&#;s specifications. This will help avoid issues with film feeding and tensioning.

Adjusting Machine Settings

To optimize the packaging process, it is essential to adjust the roll stock packing machine settings according to the packaging film material:

  1. Sealing temperature: Different film materials require different sealing temperatures for optimal results. Adjust the machine&#;s sealing temperature according to the manufacturer&#;s recommendations for the chosen material.
  2. Sealing pressure: The sealing pressure should also be adjusted based on the packaging film material&#;s specifications. Too little pressure can result in weak seals, while too much pressure can damage the film or cause sealing inconsistencies.
  3. Film tension: Proper film tension is crucial for maintaining a smooth and consistent packaging process. Adjust the machine&#;s tension settings according to the film material&#;s properties, such as elasticity and thickness.
  4. Cutting settings: Some roll stock packing machines have adjustable cutting settings, allowing you to fine-tune the cutting process based on the film material&#;s properties. Ensure the cutting settings are optimized to prevent film damage or uneven cutting.

Ensuring Optimal Sealing

Optimal sealing is essential for maintaining product quality and preventing contamination. To ensure the best sealing performance, follow these tips:

  1. Regular maintenance: Perform routine maintenance on your roll stock packing machine, including cleaning the sealing jaws and inspecting the machine for wear or damage. This helps maintain consistent sealing performance.
  2. Quality control: Implement a quality control process to inspect sealed packages for issues such as leaks, weak seals, or misaligned seals. Identify any issues and adjust the machine settings accordingly to maintain optimal sealing performance.
  3. Operator training: Ensure that the machine operators are well-trained and familiar with the specific packaging film material and its requirements. Proper training can help prevent issues related to sealing and overall packaging quality.

By integrating packaging film materials effectively with roll stock packing machines, businesses can achieve seamless production, maintain product quality, and ensure optimal sealing for their packaged products.


Roll stock packing machines offer a versatile solution for creating various types of packaging. The choice of packaging film material plays a significant role in determining the performance, functionality, and sustainability of the final package. By understanding the properties and applications of different packaging film materials, such as plastic films, aluminum foil, paper films, and biodegradable materials, businesses can make informed decisions when selecting the right material for their packaging needs.


For more paper roll wrapping machineinformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.

  1. What are the primary types of packaging film materials for roll stock packing machines?The primary types of packaging film materials include plastic films, aluminum foil, paper films, and biodegradable materials.
  2. What factors should be considered when choosing a packaging film material?Factors to consider include barrier properties, heat resistance, sealability, printability, sustainability, and cost.
  3. What are some examples of biodegradable packaging film materials?Examples of biodegradable packaging film materials include polylactic acid (PLA), starch-based materials, and polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA).
  4. Why is it important to choose the right packaging film material?Choosing the right packaging film material ensures the final package provides the necessary protection, preservation, and marketing benefits for the product being packaged.
  5. Can roll stock packing machines work with multiple types of packaging film materials?Yes, roll stock packing machines are versatile and can work with a variety of packaging film materials, provided they are compatible with the machine&#;s sealing mechanism and other specifications.


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