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Be Limitless: An Ultimate Guide To The Best Nootropics

Sep. 02, 2024

Be Limitless: An Ultimate Guide To The Best Nootropics

Paul Jenkins MSc
31 minute read

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Nootropics are compounds that are purported to enhance the brain and cognitive functions. Things such as verbal fluency, memory, focus, energy, mood, and motivation are all areas of mind that are said to benefit from nootropic supplements.

This comprehensive guide teaches you about the most widely researched, best nootropic ingredients, and thoroughly explains their efficacy along with how they actually work.

It also provides detailed answers to popular questions, including:

  • When should you take nootropics?
  • What is the most effective nootropic?
  • Are nootropics safe?

So if you wish to learn more about how to neuro-hack your brain, or if you want to learn how to stack nootropics for specific outcomes like reducing anxiety, this guide is for you.

Actually, you&#;re also going to discover how I used nootropics to concertina 7 weeks A-level chemistry revision into just 1 week using the power of nootropics.

Let&#;s get started.

My amazing experience of nootropics

My very first experience of nootropics was way back in , when I was studying for my A-Level exams. At the time I was studying A-Level psychology, chemistry, sports studies, A/S Level maths & economics.

Why am I telling you this?

Because I was able to achieve a grade B in my final A-level Chemistry exam with only 1 week revision, whereas the rest of the class did between 6-8 weeks revision.

How did I do this?

Although my evidence is purely anecdotal, I believe that nootropics played a significant role in my success. At the time of my A-Levels, I was a national level competitive 100m sprinter and I&#;d read that Linford Christie was a big advocate of Ginseng.

Today it&#;s common knowledge that Ginseng has nootropic properties, but back then it was relatively unknown, thus by by way of research, I eventually discovered Bacopa monnieri.

Fast-forward; while experimenting with Bacopa monnieri for competition sprints, I noticed a remarkable difference in my focus, it was laser like and my alertness was simply amazing. Everything that I wanted to do, I could do in an instant, and effortlessly.

Then I had that eureka moment; I wondered if my Bacopa monnieri nootropic supplement could help me with the times when I suffered from brain fog while trying to revise for my exams and just couldn&#;t seem to focus no matter what I did.

You know the one where you spend hours doing something but inevitably end up doing hardly anything at all because you just couldn&#;t concentrate and get in the right frame of mind.

Did it work?

Bingo! It just worked a treat, in fact I can honestly say not only was my focus improved, but my memory was on point too. Whatever I read, I surprisingly seemed to remember perfectly. My memory was like a sponge soaking up every ounce of information it received.

This is what I believe helped me concertina my final exam revision into just one week.

Today I use Gamma-Mynd, a pre-made nootropic supplement, but before I tell you all about some of the ingredients in that stack, let me first explain what nootropics are and exactly what they do.

Gamma-Mynd Premium All-in-one Nootropic Stack (INTENSE FOCUS)

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Gamma-Mynd is a new all-in-one nootropic stack formulated from 12 thoroughly researched natural ingredients. If you have a short attention span, suffer from brain-fog, mental fatigue, or just need a general pick-me, then Gamma-Mynd is for you. This is because Gamma-Mynd&#; Read More

Nootropics and smart drugs

A brief history of nootropics

In a Romanian psychologist and chemist called Corneliu E. Giurgea engendered the word nootropic (1); (of a drug) used to enhance memory or other cognitive functions.

The word nootropic actually has its roots in France and Greece, the French word nootrope is derived from the Greek words (noos &#;mind&#; + tropē &#;turning&#;), literally meaning mind-bending.

If nootropics had a father it would definitely have to be Corneliu, not only did he define the word nootropic, but he was also the creator of the first ever recorded synthetic smart drug; Piracetam.

However, prior to the creation of Piracetam, natural nootropics are known to have been used all over the world in ancient civilations. Including, China, Thailand, India along with the South America&#;s, and perhaps even in other early civilisations too.

There is evidence to suggest that the use of plants and herbs such as Ginkgo Biloba, Ginseng, and Holy Basil were common place in these times.

It seems like we are only just catching up with our ancient ancestors today.

What do nootropics do?

A nootropic is any substance that has the ability to enhance memory, cognitive function, focus, creativity and general intelligence, but without having any side effects that are usually associated with psychotropic drugs.

Actually, Corneliu specifically stated that a nootropic should have very low toxicity.

This definition has lead to cause for debate regarding the classification of modern racetams and other smart drugs such as Aniracetam, Oxiracetam, Phenylpiracetam, Piracetam, Noopept, Phenotropil, Amphetamines (Adderall), Methylphenidate (Ritalin), and Modafinil (Provigil) etc.

Modern synthetic smart drugs are synonymous with nootropics, yet often these synthetic smart drugs have associated negative side effects, and therefore do not technically fit into the natural nootropic category.

How do nootropics work?

Nootropics have several different mechanisms that clinical research has identified as to how they positively affect your brain. They absolutely do not all do the same thing.

Perhaps you&#;ve read somewhere that creatine is a nootropic, you could ask anyone who has used creatine, if it affected anything other than their physical performance.

Technically, creatine does have a nootropic effect, nevertheless I am more than confident that anyone who&#;s ever used creatine would not report an improvement in well being, cognition or focus.

Don&#;t get me wrong, I am a big advocate and user of creatine myself. I can genuinely say that it does boost physical performance, but it doesn&#;t have any effect on your mind per se, rather it has a neuroprotective effect on your brain.

Nootropics work in the following ways:

1. By reducing Inflammation of the brain

Inflammation of the brain is caused by oxidative stress and free radical damage (2). Some nootropic compounds have been shown to exhibit antioxidant properties and therefore are able to reduce inflammation of the brain and help protect against neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease (3).

2. By promoting cerebral blood flow

Your brain is a highly metabolically active, advanced bio-machine. It needs a readily available supply of oxygen, glucose, fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins and other such nutrients, in order for it to function properly.

The only way that the brain is able to receive these nutrients is through your blood. If blood flow to any area of your brain is inadequate, brain degeneration may occur. Certain nootropics have been shown to increase cerebral blood flow and vasodilation.

3. By influencing neurotransmitters

Neurotransmitters are what govern our movement, memory, mood, focus and general cognition. An imbalance can lead to anxiety, personality disorders and other problems.

As an example, at night time, levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) (which inhibits the action of wake promoting neurotransmitters) increase and you feel sleepy (4).

Nootropics can positively influence levels of specific neurotransmitters. Thus by selective neurotransmitter manipulation, we can for example, program a state of wakefulness and alertness.

It&#;s a case of matching the right nootropic to the corresponding action it has on your neurotransmitters, along with the correct dose to effectively pass the blood brain barrier and achieve the desired state of consciousness.

4. By facilitating cerebral energy production.

Every single one of the 50 trillion or so cells that comprise your body needs energy.

Adenosine Tri-Phosphate (ATP) is the fundamental energy source that powers every cell of every human on the planet. Your brain is no different in terms of its energy source and a boost in cerebral ATP is literally going to amp up your brain power.

5. By increasing Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and Nerve Growth-Factor (NGF).

BDNF is a special type of protein that is a member of a family of growth factors known as neurotrophins.

Amazingly, BNDF increases neuroplasticity; a dynamic capability of the brain which enables it to transfer synaptic connections from one part of the brain to another. Neuroplasticity enables the brain to continually optimise neural networks and function in the most efficient way. 

NGF is another amazing chemical that is classed as a neuropeptide which is primarily responsible for the regulation of growth, maintenance, and proliferation of your neurons (nerve cells).

Understanding neurotransmitters and brain function.

Before I talk about what the best nootropics are, it is important for you to understand basic neurotransmitter function.

Nootropic substances can have a varied effect upon the different neurotransmitters, and therefore one must know which nootropic to use, or which combination of nootropics to use, in order to achieve your particular desired effect and correctly 'neuro-hack' your brain.

Let&#;s delve straight in

Neurotransmitters are chemicals that enable neurotransmission, which is the transport of chemical information across your nerves and nervous system.

If you think of your nervous system as being akin to the internet, having vast networks of cable infrastructure that connect every node on the network into one big interconnected machine. You could then say that neurotransmitters were the TCP/IP (Transmission Control /Internet Protocol) of your nervous system.

Every single thought and movement, however big or small, involves some kind of neurotransmission, and without neurotransmitters we simply could not function.

Even a slight imbalance can tip the apple cart so to speak. For example, patients with multiple sclerosis typically have increased levels of noradrenaline, glutamate and aspartate (5).

If you are going to mess with your neurotransmitters, you better know what you are doing.

The blood brain barrier (guardian of your brain)

The blood brain barrier is a system that is designed to protect the brain from pathogens and other neuro-toxic substances, by only allowing certain molecules through it. Essentially it is a semi-permeable barrier that functions as a protective filter, separating specific molecules from circulatory blood by passive diffusion.

It&#;s like a toll road that only allows passage if you have the right credentials.

Any substance that is purported to have a nootropic effect must be able to pass the blood brain barrier in order to have any effect on your brain and neurological system.

It&#;s not easy getting a substance through the blood brain barrier. For example, tryptophan is an amino acid precursor of the neurotransmitter serotonin and is known to stimulate human growth hormone secretion (6).

Yet if you took tryptophan with a branched chain amino acid supplement, you wouldn&#;t get enough of it past the blood brain barrier to have any effect on your growth hormone levels.

This is because tryptophan and BCAA&#;s are all in the large neutral amino acid transporter class and therefore compete with each other for crossing. This &#;competition&#; results in less of each amino acid passing through the blood brain barrier.

If you combine any two amino acids from the same class, the same thing will happen; each will compete for access past the blood brain barrier.

What are the 4 major types of neurotransmitters?

  1. Amino acids
  2. Neuropeptides
  3. Purines
  4. Gases

What are the 7 major neurotransmitters?

  1. Acetylcholine (ACh) - Acetylcholine is the most common neurotransmitter and is used at the neuromuscular-junction, and thus governs the neurons of the nervous system that are responsible for your movements.

    Acetylcholine is also imperative for a number of other critical functions such as the sensation of pain, learning and memory, and facilitating endocrine function

  2. Dopamine (DA) - Dopamine is crucial to various brain functions that affect your memory and learning, concentration and focus, mood, sleep, and motor control.

  3. Norepinephrine (NE) - Norepinephrine functions both as a neurotransmitter and hormone. Its release is predominantly from the ends of sympathetic nerve fibers, but it can also be released into the bloodstream by the adrenal glands, thus giving it a dual classification of neurotransmitter and hormone.

    It is largely associated with flight of fight syndrome; its release is known to significantly increase during any situation of stress, whereby it functions to increase heart-rate and to boost muscular contractions.

    It is also associated with alertness, focus and attention.

  4. Serotonin - As with all neurotransmitters, serotonin has a wide variety of functions and affects pretty much every aspect of your physical being. Serotonin helps regulate your sleep, digestion and bowel function, mood, and blood clotting.

  5. GABA (Gamma Amino Butric Acid) - GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter, meaning that it regulates neural transmission. In essence it slows down brain activity, which is why the supplement form of GABA has become popular as a sleep aid.

    GABA influences many aspects of yourself, including your cognition, and your response to stress; GABA has a calming effect by down regulating over excited brain neurons

  6. Glutamate - Glutamate is probably one of the lesser heard of neurotransmitters, yet it has a powerful excitatory effect on your brain.

    Have ever heard of the controversial flavour enhancer monosodium glutamate (MSG)? MSG is added to a whole manner of different foods and snack, including crisps.

    MSG works by significantly increasing brain levels of glutamate, which in a nutshell, gives you a sensory overload and makes you want to eat more of the ting you were eating.

    Glutamate also plays an essential role in learning and memory.

  7. Endorphins - Endorphins are a group of neurotransmitters that all fit under the same umbrella; endogenous compounds that have a number of physiological functions, including activation of your body's opiate receptors.

    Thus they are often referred to as a natural pain killer.

    To briefly summarise what we know about endorphins so far, is that they help with pain reduction, boost self-confidence, reduce stress and anxiety, and help alleviate symptoms of depression.

Top 9 best natural nootropics supplements

Although there are probably in excess of 100 different nootropic compounds, including plants, herbs, amino-acids and other pharmaceutical so called smart drugs, I am detailing my top 9 pick of natural  nootropics.

I believe, for the reasons listed below, that these offer the greatest benefit in terms of neuroprotection and influence of memory, cognition, focus and athletic performance.

Lion&#;s Mane (mushroom)

Hericium erinaceus, a.k.a. Lion&#;s Mane is a medicinal mushroom native to Asia, Europe and North America. It is an irregular looking mushroom, in fact it was named according to its unique Lion's mane like appearance.

Looks aside, Lion's Mane is scientifically researched and proven to benefit your brain and neurons. This is because this irregular mushroom is enriched with bio-active compounds that activate Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) pathways (7), and stimulates the synthesis of nerve growth factor (NGF) (8).

Furthermore, Lion&#;s Mane exhibits a neuroprotective effect which can help protect against neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and even transient ischemic attack (TIA).

Because of its influence on NGF, it may also help with memory and cognitive function.

Lion&#;s Mane summary and dosage recommendation

The power of this mushroom will is geared toward making you a superhero of mind. You should notice a distinct boost in your focus, attention, creativity and overall cognitive performance.

Lions Mane is one of the few nootropics that stimulate NGF, therefore it is possible that it may help with reaction times and your ability to respond to a stimulus.

Start off with 500 mg per day, you can increase it if you feel the need but I&#;d max out at mg.

Phosphatidyl Serine (PS)

Phosphatidyl Serine is a phospholipid, that is, it is comprised of 2 fatty acid tails joined together with a phosphate group head. Essentially it&#;s a combination of 2 molecules of fats and a phosphorus atom. In lay-terms, phosphatidyl Serine is an essential component of all cells, including your brain cells.

It is particularly important in forming cell membranes. In fact research shows that Phosphatidyl Serine is most concentrated in your brain, where it accounts for 15% of total phospholipids (9).

As your brain ages the cell membranes lose their integrity which eventually leads to degeneration of your brain, its capabilities and function. Phosphatidyl Serine is vital for the regeneration of brain cells which is probably why scientists believe it may reduce the risk of dementia and Alzheier's disease (10).

PS is also important in cell signalling (cell-to-cell messaging) because it is a vital component of the cell membrane, it helps keeps the cell fluid and allows for efficient transport of intra (inside the cell) and extracellular (outside the cell) chemical messengers.

The neurotransmitters choline and acetylcholine are also synthesised from PS which is a precursor to both. PS has been shown to help increase levels of both these neurotransmitters (11).

Acetylcholine and choline are both crucial for proper cognitive function and memory recall. Additionally, loss of cholinergic neurons is typically associated with symptoms of memory loss and a decline of cognitive function and Alzheimers disease (12).

Phosphatidyl Serine (PS) summary and dosage recommendation

Supplementing with PS can have a neuroprotective effect and will more than likely help your memory and cognition perform more efficiently.

To reap any of these benefits you need to take a baseline of 300mg of PS per day. I am not aware of any studies that show benefits from a lesser dose.

Alpha-GPC (L-alpha-glycerylphosphorylcholine)

Alpha-GPC is a naturally occurring cholinergic compound that provides Choline, as a precursor to the neurotransmitter acetyl-choline (Ach). There are other phospholipids similar to Alpha-GPC, namely; CDP-Choline (cytidine 5&#;-diphosphocholine) and Choline Bitartrate.

Both CDP-Choline and Choline Bitartrate can in theory help boost levels of Acetyl-Choline. However in practise Alpha-GPC stand head and shoulders above CDP-Choline and Choline Bitartrate for its ability to significantly influence Acetyl-Choline levels.

Here&#;s why

CDP-Choline contains significantly less choline, gram for gram, than Alpha-GPC does. This of course means that the equivalent dose of CDP-Choline Vs Alpha-GPC, would yield less of the neurotransmitter acetyl-choline.

Choline Bitartrate on the other hand has approximately the same choline content as Alpha-GPC does. Nevertheless, Choline Bitartrate does not readily pass through the blood-brain barrier and as a result is not as efficient at boosting Acetyl-Choline.

But that&#;s not all

Alpha-GPC is also neuroprotective and supports neural regeneration. One study in particular (13), tested Alpha-GPC on a group of patients who were recovering from a stroke or a transient ischemic attack. Patients were given Alpha-GPC at a dose of mg for the first 28 days, and 400 mg thereafter for 5 months.

The results were astonishing, after re-testing, 71% of the subjects had recovered and showed no cognitive decline or forgetfulness. The researchers concluded &#;The trial confirms the therapeutic role of alpha-GPC on the cognitive recovery of patients with acute stroke or TIA&#;

Alpha-GPC summary and dosage recommendation

Users of Alpha-GPC generally report a significant boost in memory, learning, athletic performance and general well-being. If you are looking for a nootropic that works, make sure that Alpha-GPC is on your list.

Dosage wise, I&#;d suggest shooting for a minimum of 400 mg per day, anything less and it&#;s doubtful that you will reap any benefit.

Huperzine-A  (Hup-A)

Now you&#;ve read this far, you&#;ll already know the importance of boosting Acetyl-Choline, and if you are going to take nootropics to do this, you may well also want to supplement with Huperzine-A.

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Huperzine-A is an extract of Chinese club moss (Huperzia serrata). Bear in mind if you see plain old Huperzia serrata advertised for sale, this is not the extract Huperzine-A, rather, it&#;s simply the powdered moss.

Needless to say, once you&#;ve spiked Acetyl-Choline and are working in the gamma brain wave zone, you&#;re going to want to prolong this for as long as possible. Here comes your new friend Huperzine-A!

Huperzine-A is a natural cholinesterase inhibitor (AChE) which means that it inhibits the enzyme cholinesterase that prevents the breakdown of Acetyl-Choline. In plain English, Huperzine-A has been shown to improve levels of Acety-Choline and thus improve cognitive dysfunction even when taken on its own.

Research also shows that its permeability through the blood-brain barrier is superior to pharmaceutical drugs such as tacrine, donepezil, and rivastigmine. It also has a neuroprotective effect against oxidative stress (14).

Huperzine-A summary and dosage recommendation

If you want to not only boost, but to also maintain Acetyl-Choline levels, Huperzine-A is an absolute must, and if you combine Alpha-GPC and Hup-A together you&#;ve got yourself a one-way ticket to hero from zero.

In terms of how much you should take, you will need a minimum of 50mcg per day. The only drawback is its unusually long half life, so depending on the dose, you may have to use every other day.

Bacopa Monnieri

Bacopa is a creeping perennial also known as waterhyssop, due to the fact that it natively grows in wetland and marshland areas (aquarium plant). In India it is also sometimes referred to as brahmi, after the hindu supreme creator-god brahma.

This has to be one of my personal favourite nootropics and you can benefit from this powerful herb in a multitude of ways.

Modern chemical analysis of bacopa monneieri shows that it contains a number of interesting phytochemical substrates that scientists refer to as bacosides. Clinical research shows that these bacosides exhibit antioxidant neuroprotection via a number of different mechanisms (15).

  1. Increasing cerebral blood flow.
  2. Enzyme induction; acetylcholinesterase inhibition and/or choline acetyltransferase activation (yielding higher levels of acetycholine).
  3. Neurotransmitter modulation (acetylcholine & dopamine)

Bacopa monnieri has a nourishing effect upon your neurons and it was allegedly used as an ayurvedic medicine by ancient Vedic scholars to memorise lengthy sacred hymns and scriptures. The incidence of ancient records documenting its use and benefits appear to be far too predominant to be coincidence or hearsay.

I can personally say that you can expect to experience a marked improvement in your cognition, memory and focus. If you supplement with it daily, after a few weeks of its use you can also expect to experience an improvement in your sense of well-being. It really is fantastic.

Bacopa monnieri summary and dosage recommendations

The first consideration in taking bacopa is to note that the active bacosides are in fact fat soluble. Therefore, in order for you to properly absorb and reap their full benefits, it is important to take them after a meal containing some good fats.

Oily fish is ideal as this helps the absorption of the bacosides and is also great for brain health. You could also take it after a spoonful of organic flaxseed oil. Nevertheless you need to combine it with some fats.

In terms of the dosage, because it is available in different strengths, for example 20% bacosides or 45% bacosides, you will have to calculate your dose accordingly.

I would suggest up to 750 mg per day for 20% strength, and a dose of 200 &#; 450 mg per day for 45% bacosides.

Always start off with a minimum dose to test its effects; you can always increase your dose this way.

L-Theanine (Chem: L-γ-glutamylethylamide)

L-Theanine is a non-proteinogenic amino acid analogue of the amino acids, L-Glutamine & L-Glutamate. It is found naturally occurring in tea, especially in green tea, but is also available in supplement form.

Its transport across the blood-brain barrier is very efficient and will usually pass through after 30-45 minutes after ingestion where it is considered to have regulatory and neuroprotective effects in the brain (16).

Clinical research shows that L-theanine has a calming effect and is known to lower blood pressure. It also has a suppressive effect against the excitatory action of caffeine. This evidence suggests that using L-theanine in combination with caffeine could yield added benefits from the synergistic effects of the two.

Another study also showed that a combination of caffeine and l-theanine to have a synergistic effect (17), the researchers concluded that; &#;These results replicate previous evidence which suggests that L-theanine and caffeine in combination are beneficial for improving performance on cognitively demanding tasks.&#;

Other research has shown that L-theanine significantly increases alpha brain wave activity (18), which is typically associated with a relaxed, calm and creative state of consciousness. Although further study is needed to achieve a full understanding, scientists believe that L-theanine&#;s calming effects are due to its modulation of the neurotransmitters dopamine and GABA (19)

L-Theanine summary and dosage recommendations

Because of L-theanine's effects on alpha brain waves, you can expect to feel an increase in calmness and relaxation while using it. Thus it is the perfect nootropic for stress and anxiety, and can also be used to help improve sleep.

L-theanine can also be used to help learning and memory, due to its influence on neurotransmitters.

Start off with 100mg and see how that works for you. If you feel you would like to up the dose, you can go all the way up to 250 mg.

Alpha-lipoic acid (LA) (thioctic acid)

Alpha lipoic acid is a naturally occurring compound found in every cell of your body. It is both fat and water soluble meaning it is able to interact with all cellular areas.

Some foods contain alpha lipoic acid, albeit in miniscule amounts, these include vegetables; broccoli, spinach, Brussels sprouts, tomatoes, carrots, rice bran and beets. It is also contained in animal products like red meat, and in particular organ meats such as liver and kidney.

If you want to increase your intake of alpha lipoic acid, it&#;s much more efficient to use a supplement.

LA has some amazing properties that may influence many aspects of your health and is becoming increasingly popular in the food supplement world. There are a number of purported health claims associated with ALA, including:

  • Weight loss
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Regulatory effect on blood glucose
  • Cellular antioxidant
  • Neuroprotective

In terms on its nootropic response, due to its acetyl functional group, alpha lipoic acid can easily enter the brain by passing through the blood brain barrier where its effects are typically associated with cognition and memory.

Your brain is the most energy demanding organ of your entire body, adequate amounts of glucose and oxygen is critical to its function. It turns out that alpha lipoic acid boosts glucose uptake in your brain, and as you can imagine this has a significant impact of boosting your cognitive performance.

LA has in fact been clinically proven to exhibit an anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effect on patients with Alzheimer's disease (20).

Alpha lipoic acid activates the enzyme choline acetyltransferase which then increases levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh). Furthermore, LA has been found to chelate redox-active transition metals, thus inhibiting the formation of hydroxyl radicals, and is thus neuroprotective.

Alpha lipoic acid summary and dosage recommendations

LA is great for your brain; it has an anti-inflammitory and neuroprotective effect, along with increasing glucose uptake and levels of acetylcholine. Memory and cognition are the key benefitting areas.

It is important to understand that there are 2 types of lipoic acid, R+-LA and A-LA. The two forms are known in chemistry as isomers, meaning they have the same constituent parts (empirical formula) but the molecular structures are mirror images of each other. Thus they are termed L (left) and R (right) isomers.

Typically lipoic acid supplements contain a a 50/50 mix of L and R forms, however it is the R+ form that you should look for as it is far more bio-active.

Dosage wise, opt for 200 mg &#; 600 mg, preferably taken on an empty stomach.

Ginseng (Panax)

Ginseng refers to the roots (rhizome) of the panax family of flowering plants, and is literally one of the most widely taken herbal supplements throughout the world today. Interestingly, the word &#;Panax&#; is derived from the Greek root word &#;pan&#; meaning &#;all&#; and &#;akos&#;, meaning cure.

Traditionally, ginseng has been used for thousands of years as a natural remedy for ailments such as; circulatory problems, erectile dysfunction, digestive upset, boosting immunity and more.

The genus panax has around 11 different true species, all of which contain a bunch of compounds known as ginosides. It is these ginosides that have provoked numerous clinical studies. Around 100 different ginnosides have been identified so far (21), however the most common ones are few; ginsenosides Rg1, Re, Rf, Rb1, Rg2, Rc, Rh1, Rb2, Rb3, Rd, Rg3, and Rh2.

Both human and animal studies indicate that ginseng and ginosides can modulate against stress, fatigue, and improve learning (22, 23).

Actoprotective effects of ginseng

Ginseng has more recently been understood to manifest an actoprotective effect; that is ginseng has the ability to &#;increase mental performance and enhance body stability against physical loads without increasing oxygen consumption&#; (24).

An actoprotector is a relatively new sub-class of adaptagen, yet is distinctly different. An adaptogen helps the body &#;adapt&#; to stress by helping stabilise stress-related hormones. However, an actoprotector has an adaptogenic effect, without causing an increase in heat production or oxygen consumption.

An actoprotector also differs from psychostimulants such as modafinil, phenamine, and caffeine. This is because actoprotectors are compounds that exhibit a non-exhaustive action, and in contrast to regular nootropic substances, actoprotectors increase both mental and physical performance.

Ginseng summary and dosage recommendations

Ginseng is a potent adaptogen and actoprotector. You can benefit from its calming effects if you suffer from anxiety, but you can also use it to help improve your mental alertness and to help with any type of physical activity or workload.

I would always recommend starting off with a lower dose, opt for a little as 200 mg standardised to at least 20% ginosides. The maximum I would suggest taking would be 500 mg.

Ginkgo Biloba (Maidenhair tree)

Ginkos are huge trees and can grow in excess of 65 meters tall. Although they are native to China, ginkgo trees are widely cultivated and are now grown in various different parts of the world including Asia, Europe and North America.

Ginkgo has been used as a traditional Chinese herbal remedy for thousands of years, and for good reason &#; it works. Traditionally, ginkgo has been used to treat a whole manner of different ailments ranging from circulatory problems, asthma, and as a general health tonic of rejuvenation.

Today, extracts of ginkgo are now stabilised in a form called EGb 761 which is 24% flavonoid and 6% terpenes (ginkgolides and bilobalide) (25).

These bioactive ginkgo substrates have a nootropic effect on your brain via 2 different mechanisms:

  1. Ginkgo biloba functions as monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI)
  2. Ginkgo biloba increases cerebral blood flow

Ginkgo biloba functions as a mild monoamine oxidase inhibitor giving rise to a nootropic effect

Most of the studies on ginko&#;s effects (namely EGb 761) have been performed on animals, which show that, given the right dose, can act as a mild MAOI inhibitor. However, other human studies (26) also confirm the same.

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors have the capacity to reduce cerebral levels of monoamine oxidase (MAO). MAO breaks down dopamine.

Thus inhibition MOA subsequently leads to an increase dopamine. The key benefit of this is that dopamine is known to improve cognitive function and suppress symptoms of anxiety (27).

Consequently, various studies demonstrate Ginkgo Biloba as an effective complementary treatment for both Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD).

Ginkgo biloba and cerebral blood flow (CBF)

Blood flow to the brain (CBF) is crucial for delivering oxygen, glucose and other nutrients that support brain function. Various studies show that ginkgo does have a mild effect on CBF, causing a slight increase (28).

Needless to say, an improvement in CBF offers a number of associated benefits:

  • Helps improve overall brain and cognitive function
  • Is neuroprotective
  • Aids memory recall

Ginkgo biloba summary and dosage recommendations

The first thing to look for when buying a ginkgo biloba nootropic supplement, is to make sure that it is a standardised extract of at least 24% flavone glycosides and 6% terpenes. Needless to say, a lesser count will be less effective.

Based on the research quoted in this article, I recommend using between 120mg - 240 mg per day.

It is important to note that ginkgo biloba does have interactions with some prescription medications so it is always best to check with a qualified medical professional if you are prescribed any kind of prescription medicine.

Nootropics Summary

When doctors and scientists measure brain activity, they do so by measuring the frequencies of which your brain is functioning. Alpha, Beta, Delta, Theta are all different frequencies of which the brain operates. Interestingly, it turns out each frequency is associated with its own set of behaviours.

Delta brainwaves for example are associated with deep REM sleep. Higher frequency Beta brain waves on the other hand are typically associated with alertness and engaging behaviour.

You can think of your brain as an information processor, like the central processing unit (CPU) in a computer. The higher the frequency (vibration) of the CPU, the faster and more efficiently it can process information.

Compare two CPU&#;s, one processing in lower range Mega Hertz (MHz) and the other in higher range Giga Hertz (GHz), the MHz CPU will get left behind.

Nootropics have the ability to change the frequency of your brain and therefore your consciousness, and thus your ability to learn and do stuff. That&#;s why you can take advantage of these cool supplements to improve your ability to perform both mentally and physically.

But that not all, they can also be used to help prevent neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzhiemers and multiple schlerosis.

Natural nootropics are amazing!

So now it&#;s your turn, what are your favourite nootropics, and how do they benefit you?

Scientific Reference Data:

  1. Nootropic
  2. Oxidative stress in neurodegenerative diseases
  3. Establishing Natural Nootropics: Recent Molecular Enhancement Influenced by Natural Nootropic
  4. The neurotransmitters of sleep.
  5. Changes in neurotransmitters in multiple sclerosis.
  6. The effect of IV L-tryptophan on prolactin, growth hormone, and mood in healthy subjects.
  7. Neurohealth Properties of Hericium erinaceus Mycelia Enriched with Erinacines
  8. Neurotrophic properties of the Lion's mane medicinal mushroom, Hericium erinaceus (Higher Basidiomycetes) from Malaysia.
  9. Phospholipids and sports performance
  10. Soybean-Derived Phosphatidylserine Improves Memory Function of the Elderly Japanese Subjects with Memory Complaints
  11. Phosphatidylcholine as a precursor of choline for acetylcholine synthesis.
  12. The relation of dietary choline to cognitive performance and white-matter hyperintensity in the Framingham Offspring Cohort
  13. alpha-Glycerophosphocholine in the mental recovery of cerebral ischemic attacks. An Italian multicenter clinical trial.
  14. Progress in studies of huperzine A, a natural cholinesterase inhibitor from Chinese herbal medicine.
  15. Neuropharmacological Review of the Nootropic Herb Bacopa monnieri
  16. l-Theanine protects against excess dopamine-induced neurotoxicity in the presence of astrocytes
  17. The combined effects of L-theanine and caffeine on cognitive performance and mood.
  18. L-theanine, a natural constituent in tea, and its effect on mental state.
  19. The neuropharmacology of L-theanine(N-ethyl-L-glutamine): a possible neuroprotective and cognitive enhancing agent.
  20. Lipoic acid as an anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective treatment for Alzheimer's disease.
  21. Current evaluation of the millennium phytomedicine--ginseng (I): etymology, pharmacognosy, phytochemistry, market and regulations.
  22. Cognitive effects of two nutraceuticals Ginseng and Bacopa benchmarked against modafinil: a review and comparison of effect sizes.
  23. Effects of ginseng on stress-related depression, anxiety, and the hypothalamic&#;pituitary&#;adrenal axis
  24. Actoprotective effect of ginseng: improving mental and physical performance
  25. What is Ginkgo biloba extract EGb 761? An overview--from molecular biology to clinical medicine.
  26. Effects of Ginkgo biloba extract EGb 761® on cognitive control functions, mental activity of the prefrontal cortex and stress reactivity in elderly adults with subjective memory impairment &#; a randomized double&#;blind placebo&#;controlled trial
  27. Ginkgo biloba special extract EGb 761 in generalized anxiety disorder and adjustment disorder with anxious mood: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.
  28. Effects of Ginkgo biloba on cerebral blood flow assessed by quantitative MR perfusion imaging: a pilot study

Tips for Buying a Second Home in California

March 3rd, at 11:00 am


Updated March 3,

Wouldn&#;t it be great to own a second home? You know, a sunny winter retreat in a desert resort town, or a mountain chalet for ski season? You&#;re not alone.

According to the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) estimates, there were 7.15 million second homes in the U.S. in , the last year estimates were calculated. That was 5.11% of the total housing stock in . 

While owning a second or vacation home is a wonderful benefit for many, it&#;s an investment that shouldn&#;t be entered into lightly. Potential buyers need to arm themselves with knowledge of the pros and cons, which include financing, upkeep and repairs, homeowner&#;s insurance, tax planning, and many other factors.

Gregg Neuman, a Luxury Specialist in our San Diego Downtown office, has almost four decades of experience working with second-home owners. He knows the ins and outs of the category, primarily with clients throughout Southern California&#;s coastal communities. We talked to Gregg about what&#;s key to know before getting the key to a second home.

Maximizing financial opportunities in second home ownership

First, it&#;s important to set the stage by discussing the overall financial landscape of second home ownership. This can be complex to navigate, as it includes considerations such as home loans, interest rates, capital gains, and a second mortgage. 

  • Capital gain and capital gains tax implications: The potential for capital gain is an exciting aspect of real estate investment. However, it&#;s important to understand the associated capital gains tax implications. Make sure to learn how the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) treats capital gains on second homes, so you can keep in mind effective tax planning. 
  • Leveraging home equity: For those with an existing primary home, leveraging home equity can be a strategic move when venturing into second home ownership. A second mortgage or a home equity line of credit (HELOC) can unlock financial opportunities. Our team of California real estate agents assists buyers in evaluating the feasibility of these options, considering factors like current home equity, interest rates, and tax implications.
  • Balancing primary and second home finances: Understanding the financial interplay between your primary and second home is crucial for long-term stability. This includes considerations during tax return filings, ensuring compliance with regulations governing primary and secondary residences. 

Tax breaks have changed

When we spoke with Gregg Neuman, one of the first things Gregg brings up is an owner&#;s ability to deduct state and local taxes (SALT) on a second home. This has historically been a valuable tax break for taxpayers who itemize deductions on their federal income tax returns. But the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of limits SALT deductions for through .

These changes unfavorably affect individuals who pay high property taxes if, among other situations, they own both a primary residence and one or more vacation homes, which results in higher property tax bills due to owning several properties. People in these categories can now deduct a maximum $10,000 of personal state and local property taxes&#;even if they deduct nothing for personal state and local income taxes or general sales taxes.

&#;What the SALT change has done is made vacation homes, particularly in areas like downtown San Diego, less affordable because you no longer have the ability to deduct for that investment,&#; Gregg says. &#;We had &#;snowbirds&#; who came here when winter got cold in the north. We had people from Arizona and Nevada and Texas, when it got hot there, coming here to enjoy our better climate. So, with that SALT change impacting our market, there are fewer of those buyers now because many people don&#;t want to buy without the tax deduction that made the purchase of a second home a good investment. It&#;s really hammered the states that have high income taxes and high property taxes.&#;

What if you still want to buy?

Despite that tax change, how would you go about buying a second home if you really wanted to? If you have a 20% to 25% down payment, a number of lenders would be willing to work with you, Gregg says: &#;It&#;s a pretty standard mortgage for a non-owner-occupied home or a second home. The lenders feel pretty secure that you&#;ll make the payments. They still have to appraise the property, and you get a slightly higher interest rate than you would get on an owner-occupied home&#;maybe a half-percent or quarter-percent higher.&#;

Be clear to define your home: Is it for use as a second home or purely for investment?

As you&#;re considering the purchase of a second home, clarity in your purpose is helpful to guide you through the process.  Is it intended for personal use as a vacation home, or is the primary goal investment-oriented, focusing on rental income and potential capital gains? In California&#;s real estate landscape where second homes are very common, this distinction holds significance and will help serve as a guide through your process.

For those primarily seeking a vacation home, considerations like proximity to desired amenities, lifestyle preferences, and long-term enjoyment become important. On the other hand, if the goal is investment, factors such as local rental restrictions, potential rental income, and property appreciation take precedence. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Properties advises potential buyers to articulate their goals clearly, aligning the property purchase with individual preferences and financial objectives.

What about buying a second home and keeping it rented out all or some of the time?

With this question, there are several things to consider. A lot depends on the location of the second home, because there can be local rental restrictions. In Gregg&#;s area of expertise, downtown San Diego, most homes are in high- and low-rise condominiums. &#;In that area, most of the buildings have restrictions on length of rental times,&#; Gregg notes. &#;There are a few buildings that have 30 days or less, but most have six months to a year minimum rentals. So it becomes a little more challenging to have your house rented for six or eight months and then you move in and enjoy it for two or three months. It&#;s possible, but less likely. And that&#;s mainly the building&#;s intent, to protect the building itself by having it not a turn into an Airbnb or a hotel room, but a building where people live in it and typically take better care of the facilities and are better neighbors.&#;

Should owners set aside funds for maintenance, repair, and other items?

If you&#;re buying a condominium, yes, because it&#;s required in your homeowners association dues. Some people struggle with that, Gregg says, because they don&#;t like paying monthly HOA dues, even though they cover common-area items such as roof leaks or sprinkler repairs. &#;If you buy a single-family home, you may live in it for 20 years and never have to replace the roof, so you&#;ll never have that expenditure,&#; he points out. &#;If you&#;re smart, you would put some money aside for maintenance to take care of it. If you&#;re in a condominium, it&#;s done, period. The only thing you maintain is the interior things like paint and carpet, like any rental would be.&#; And just like your primary residence, homeowner&#;s, earthquake, and other insurance should be factored into the costs of owning a second home.

What should the first steps be if someone wants to proceed?

Gregg suggests renting a place at different times of the year to get an idea of the area: &#;Ask yourself, &#;Would I like to live here full time? Is there enough to engage me in this region?&#; If there is, you need to start looking at the neighborhoods, and making sure that you&#;re getting into one that&#;s going to retain its value.&#; You can do this by working with an experienced real estate agent who is familiar with the area. Ask to see purchase and sale prices of comparable homes nearby (comps). Talk to the neighbors. Visit day and night. See how long it takes to reach shopping, entertainment, and medical facilities. Go through all the same procedures you would in buying your primary residence.

Any drawbacks to buying a second home?

Gregg has some advice that a potential buyer might not want to hear: &#;Having been in the business for almost 40 years, one of the most interesting things I have found is that most people who buy a second home regret the decision after four or five years. And the reason is that every time they can take a vacation, they feel like they have to go there. They think, &#;Well, it would be nice to go to Europe, but we bought this house in San Diego so we better go there.&#; So do your homework before you get that second home.&#;

Work with professionals who specialize in buying vacation homes

There are a lot of factors to weigh when considering buying a second home, from financial details to location preferences to planning for your long-term future. With the support of California REALTOR&#;s specializing in buying second homes, you can navigate these factors and make a decision more confidently.

Real estate agents understand the local market dynamics, rental regulations, and potential challenges associated with second home ownership. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Properties emphasizes the importance of collaborating with a team of experts to ensure a seamless and informed buying process. 

Still have questions about buying a second home, vacation home, or rental home? Just reach out to any one of our qualified real estate agents in an office near you


  1. National Association of Home Builders. &#;The Nation&#;s Stock of Second Homes.&#; Eye On Housing, 13 May ,

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