Pros and Cons of Welded Wire Mesh
Pros and Cons of Welded Wire Mesh
Welded wire mesh can be one of the numerous systems that you can pick from, in case you are in search of a very secure fencing option. It is regarded as a very high-security product, and has been in use for quite some time in making high security fences. Know about some of the pros and cons of these kinds of mesh items.
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Advantages of Welded Wire Mesh
Where construction products are concerned, welded wire mesh is a very secure option to consider. In a few cases, this might be more secure as compared to a few other kinds of fencing products. However, much of this is based on factors like:
· Height of the mesh The lower a fence happens to be, the more ease with which one can climb it. It is the commonest way of breaching any wall or fence. Higher security fences are always much better.
· Size of the apertures It is one more vital factor, given that tools can be passed between wires if larger apertures much more easily. Such a fence can be climbed with more ease. It is just tougher to get foot and hand grips on narrower apertures.
· Diameter of the wire The wire diameter is important as well. This matters always when it comes to wire fence systems, given the fact that thinner wires can be cut more easily.
As these fences have each wire independent of the other, cutting these takes much more time.
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Disadvantages of Welded Wire Mesh
As compared to woven fence systems, these are rigid in form. Thus, these are harder and costlier to set up on stepped or sloped areas. These happen to be proprietary. Lots of these are imported, which often makes these more expensive to set up. In case the fence gets damaged, it can be tough to find the spare parts for the same.
It is also tougher to set these fences up. Only a few contractors can do this in a proper way. It is important to look for a contractor having experience in panel fence or wire mesh fence systems, to get improved results.
Welded Wire Mesh Alternatives
In the world of security fences, Welded wire mesh has an important place. You can find "mini mesh" fences having smaller apertures or chain link fence systems. Palisade and ornamental fences are other practical alternatives. It is possible to find quite a few alternatives, if you want.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Wire Fencing -
Having wire fencing, otherwise called woven wire fencing has its advantages. Firstly, wire fencing is fairly cheap compared to other materials like brick, glass and PVC. Secondly, the installation of a wire fence does not take long hours as woven wire can be bought directly from DIY stores or ordered by your contracted fencing company from their supplier. All thats left to do most of the time is to attach the woven wire to posts as well as create a sort of frame for it. The third advantage of wire fencing is that it is a highly durable material which is less prone to rotting and insect infestation unlike timber or wood. Wire fencing can also be customized in terms of color and can be powder coated to have cream, green, black, silver, white, red and other colors. Finally, wire fencing is not as restrictive a fence as brick is. It allows you to see through the other side without difficulty but still provides a clear boundary between your property and others property.
Are you interested in learning more about Double Wire Fence? Contact us today to secure an expert consultation!