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Auditorium | WBDG

Dec. 30, 2024

Auditorium | WBDG


Auditorium space types are areas for large meetings, presentations, and performances. Auditorium space type facilities may include assembly halls, exhibit halls, auditoriums, and theaters. Auditorium space types do not include such features as sound reinforcement systems, audiovisual systems and projection screens, food service facilities, proscenium stages with heights greater than 50'' 0" or fly gallery, orchestra pits, revolving or hydraulic stage platforms, flying balconies, movable seating, or billboard systems.

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Space Attributes

Auditorium spaces are designed to accommodate large audiences. As such, they tend to have wide spans and are multiple-stories high in order to accommodate seating, sightlines, and acoustical requirements. Raised stage/dais floors and special lighting equipment are often required as well. Typical features of Auditorium space types include the list of applicable design objectives elements as outlined below. For a complete list and definitions of the design objectives within the context of whole building design, click on the titles below.

  • Sloped Floors: Sloped floors, with level terraces for each row of seating, help provide the proper sightlines from the audience to the stage. Note that the bottom and intermediate rows should be directly accessible from entry levels to allow for Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities (ADAAG) compliant accessible seating positions. See also WBDG Accessible.
  • Fixed Seats: Typically, fixed seats with tilting upholstered seat and back, integral arm and tablet arm are provided with articulated back for maximum occupant passage space between rows. The seats may be fully upholstered or wood contoured outer back and seat shells with wood armrests with tablet arm option and aisle light option at row ends. Seat number/row letters should be Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant. Wheelchair access option-removable seats in sections of two and accessible end chairs for mobility limited occupants should be provided. See also WBDG Accessible.

Building codes will provide auditorium seating layout and clearance requirements.

  • Special Lighting: Dramatic lighting systems include front lighting, foot lighting, spot lights, follow spot lights, beam lights, and flood lights, and a projection room/booth with manual and programmable lighting controls, and space for the spot light operator. Lighting systems should be flexible to accommodate various performance venues (e.g., lectures, plays, musical performances, etc.) in the Auditorium. See also WBDG Electric Lighting Controls.
  • Occupancy: Occupancy Group Classification is Assembly A1 or A3 as per IBC, with sprinkler protected construction, and GSA Acoustical Class A space requiring special acoustical design. See also WBDG Secure / Safe'Fire Protection.
  • Special Acoustical Design: Quality acoustical characteristics are important in Auditorium spaces so that performances and presentations can be clearly heard and understood. For performance spaces and general presentation spaces, recommended noise criteria (NC) rating ranges from NC'20 to NC'30; recommended sound transmission class (STC) rating ranges from STC 40 to STC 50. Strategies to achieve the recommended NC and STC ranges include, for example: Type II vinyl wall covering and fabric covered acoustical wall panels for the interior wall finish in the auditorium; Type II vinyl wall covering for the stage area; Type II vinyl wall coverings for 1/3 of the front of the orchestra (audience) sidewalls and fabric covered acoustical panels for 2/3 of the back of the orchestra (audience) sidewalls; fabric covered acoustical panels for rear walls; and a plaster and plywood combination'because of their reverberation characteristics'for the ceiling. For more information, see WBDG Productive'Provide Comfortable Environments and Acoustic Comfort.

The Auditorium Giovanni Agnelli in Turin, Italy has variable ceiling height according to acoustic needs. Photo Credits: Centro Congressi Lingotto

  • Increased Cooling Capacity: Heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems for Auditorium spaces are sized and zoned to accommodate varying internal loads, which are a function of audience sizes, performance lighting loads, and projection equipment. Particularly, air handling units (AHUs) with increased cooling capacity should be zoned separately for the auditorium, lobby, projection spaces, stage areas, and audience seating areas. Also, the Auditorium typically has a separate AHU constant volume with modulated temperature control for ventilation. For more information, see WBDG High-Performance HVAC.
  • Materials and Finishes: Use materials and finishes that meet sustainability requirements for Low or No-VOC as well as durability and low maintenance. Coordinate maintenance and replacements with sustainable O&M practices to ensure an overall healthy environment.
  • Raised Floor: The recommended system for distribution of HVAC in auditorium spaces is ducted supply through floor vents with ducted ceiling return air vents in auditorium and lobby. In other spaces, ducted ceiling supply with return air ceiling plenum is recommended. Note that there should be transfer ducts at all acoustically rated partitions.

The historic Baldwin Auditorium at Duke University underwent renovations while incorporating significant sustainable design features and strategies such as energy and water efficiency, indoor air quality, and resource management, earning Silver Certification under the LEED' for New Construction 2.2 Rating System. Pfeiffer Partners Architects. Photo Credit: Duke University

  • Fire and Life Safety: Proper notification systems, lighting, and signage are required to facilitate safe and speedy evacuations during regular events or an emergency in Auditorium spaces. Step lights recessed into floor risers at each seating tier and wall mounted low light level sconce lights along side walls are typical. Sprinklers should be provided per code and under stage platforms to suppress fires. Materials used should be non-combustible. Regular inspections should also be conducted and documented in order to prevent safety hazards. Plan for secure areas in and around the auditorium including unused parts of the building; separating audience from performers; and keeping unauthorized people from stage and catwalk areas. Staff should be trained in crowd management, First Aid, and Accessibility in order to support performers and audience needs and maintain a safe environment. See also WBDG Secure / Safe'Occupant Safety and Health and Secure / Safe'Fire Protection.

Example Program

The following building program is representative of Auditorium space types.


Tenant Occupiable Areas Qty. SF Each Space Req'd. Sum Actual SF Tenant Usable Factor Tenant USF Entrance       2,096         Lobby 1 1,500 1,500           Entrance Vestibules 1 96 96           Coat Check 1 150 150           Retail Area 1 200 200           Media Library 1 150 150       Main Auditorium       4,800         Seating (300 seats) 1 3,600 3,600           Stage 1 1,200 1,200       Support Spaces       1,300         Projection/Control Room 1 300 300           Equipment Storage 1 300 300           Rear Projection Room 1 400 400           Public Toilets (Male 1 120 120           Public Toilets (Female) 1 180 180           Tenant Suite     8,196 8,196 1.14 9,375 Tenant Usable Areas           18,750

Example Plans

The following diagram is representative of typical tenant plans.

Example Construction Criteria

For GSA, the unit costs for Auditorium space types are based on the construction quality and design features in the following table . This information is based on GSA's benchmark interpretation and could be different for other owners.

Relevant Codes and Standards

The following agencies and organizations have developed codes and standards affecting the design of Auditoriums. Note that the codes and standards are minimum requirements. Architects, engineers, and consultants should consider exceeding the applicable requirements whenever possible.

Additional Resources

Organizations and Associations

  • Acoustical Society of America (ASA)'The Society is primarily a voluntary organization and attracts the interest, commitment, and service of a large number of professionals. Their contributions in the formation, guidance, administration, and development of the ASA are largely responsible for its world-wide preeminence in the field of acoustics.
  • Institute of Noise Control Engineering'The Institute of Noise Control Engineering of the USA (INCE/USA) is a non-profit professional organization incorporated in Washington, DC. A primary purpose of the Institute is to promote engineering solutions to environmental noise problems.


The History of Auditorium Seats

When you reflect on auditorium seats you likely think of the cushioned chairs that you sit in when you are at the theater or at a concert hall. You may not think of concrete bleachers, but the auditorium seats we utilize today are direct descendants of the concrete bleachers that were used by the Roman people when they built the coliseum.

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit Auditoriums Seats.

Auditorium seats are places for people who will us watching an event to sit while they are in the stadium. These seats are furnished by the owner of the establishment and the owner generally charges money for people to use them.

Football and sports arenas have auditorium seats for the fans to sit in while they watch the sporting events. In high school stadiums the seats that people sit in are usually metal bleachers. Many people bring special chairs made to attach to the bleachers to create more comfortable seating. In professional sporting stadiums the chairs are more likely to be individual seats rather than a bleacher with no back support. People attending professional events pay a lot for their tickets and they expect some measure of comfort in their seating arrangements.

The seating options in theaters and other commercial properties that have on stage performances have changed through the years. The original seating arrangements were comprised of benches that had no back. Then theaters began to provide benches that did have backs like the ones you would see in a church house.

Separate chairs were the next evolution of these commercial seats. The chairs were often folding chairs that could be moved around the room to create different seating patterns. All of the chairs were on the same level. This meant that the people who sat in the front row of seats had an unobstructed view of the stage, but people in rows behind this first one often had their line of sight interrupted by someone sitting in front of them.

Many people wore big hats in those days and the hats would interfere with the line of sight of all rows behind the wearer. Many establishments began to build their auditoriums and theaters with a sloping floor so the people in the back would be sitting above the people in the front. These sloping floors allowed the people in the last row to be positioned high enough that the people in the rows ahead of them were not in their line of sight.

The balcony boxes had individual seats, but the balcony boxes were not the best place to sit in order to see the action on the stage. People in balcony seating boxes had to have binoculars to allow them to see what was happening on the stage below them. The balcony boxes also had portions of the stage blocked from their view entirely. These boxes were occupied by the wealthy simply so they could be seen at the performance.

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