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How long does pool tile last?

Jun. 17, 2024

How long should your pool tile last? - Oasis Tile

Relaxing by the pool with friends and family by your side, having a backyard barbeque, and jumping in the water on a hot day are just a few staples of summer. Adding to this ambiance are swimming pool tiles. They create the look and feel of a private oasis all while adding shine, brilliance, and eye-catching designs to make the water look fresh and inviting. 

How long should your pool tile last? - Oasis Tile

Relaxing by the pool with friends and family by your side, having a backyard barbeque, and jumping in the water on a hot day are just a few staples of summer. Adding to this ambiance are swimming pool tiles. They create the look and feel of a private oasis all while adding shine, brilliance, and eye-catching designs to make the water look fresh and inviting. 

So, how long should your pool tile last? What can you do to keep it beautiful for longer? Read on and learn everything you need to know.

Why do pool tiles tend to last longer than regular tiles?

Pool tiles are more durable than tiles found in your kitchen or bathroom, so they tend to last longer. Usually, if proper care is taken, pool tiles last between 5 to 10 years. This is because tiles used in swimming pools are constantly exposed to sunlight and chemicals, so they are crafted to be stronger. 

To achieve this level of durability, pool tiles are coated by a glaze so they can withstand extra stress and resist fading for years to come.

Which pool tile type lasts the longest? 

Glass, ceramic, and stone tile are the three most popular choices when it comes to pool tiles. But, which one is considered to be the most durable?

  • Glass tile

    is on the pricey side but it&#;s worth the extra cost because it&#;s eco-friendly, non-porous and the most durable. Glass tile can be curved so the surfaces of your pool can be covered completely. It also reflects light, which makes your water look bluer, and shine more when the sun hits it.

  • Ceramic pool tile

    is easy to maintain, it comes in many different colors and designs, so you can create a look that is unique to your backyard, and it can be a very affordable option, which is why they are very popular.

  • Stone tile

    is another great option, creating a natural look with a soft textured feel in your backyard. However, stone is a porous material, meaning it will need special care and maintenance to ensure it lasts longer.

Caring for your pool tiles so they last for years to come

Your swimming pool tiles will last longer depending how much effort you are willing to commit to. The more care, cleaning, and maintenance you provide to them, the longer they will last. Here are some useful tips.

1.Maintain pool chemistry

To keep your pool tile looking like new, it is important to keep the chemistry of the swimming pool balanced. To do this, check the chemicals regularly to ensure the pH, chlorine, and alkalinity are within appropriate levels. 

If the pH is too high, the grout can erode, fade, or stain. On the other hand, if the pH is too low, then scale or algae formation can occur. 

Chlorine and pH levels should be checked two to three times a week. Other chemicals should be checked within the following guidelines:

  • Total alkalinity (TA) &#; one time a week

  • Calcium hardness &#; one time a month

  • Total dissolved solids (TDS) &#; one time a month

  • Salt (if you have a salt pool) &#; one time a month

2. Prevent scale deposits

Lime, calcium, and other mineral deposits are common when pool chemistry is out of balance. To prevent buildups, clean your pool once a week with a soft brush. Make sure the brush is soft enough because a hard bristle brush can damage the tiles by scratching them. 

If the scale buildup becomes too much and you can&#;t remove it yourself, then you may need to call a professional to clean your tiles for you.

3. Take care of waterline tiles

It is common for leaves and other debris to attach to the waterline tiles. This can lead to oil, dirt, scale buildup and stains. To remove the buildup, clean the tile using a nylon scrubbing sponge or a nylon-bristled brush. Using a leaf net cover can also help keep leaves out of your swimming pool.

4. Cover your pool when it&#;s not used

Be sure to cover your pool when it is not in use. A good pool cover will help protect your tiles by keeping water from evaporating thus reducing the chances of scale forming. 

Also, by covering your pool, not only will you keep your tile looking great, but you will also reduce heating costs, saving even up to 70%.

5. Prepare your tiles for the season

When preparing your pool for the season, either opening or closing it, take care to slowly fill or drain the water. By going slow, the pressure change is gradual and easier on the tile. 

This helps prevent damage due to expansion or contraction. A good guideline is to fill one-inch per hour when you are filling, or draining, your pool. 

6. Check the tile grout

While you are getting your pool ready for the season, don&#;t forget to check the tile grout. Sealing your pool tile grout every 3 to 5 years will keep your tile looking nice and well-protected.

7. Don&#;t delay repairs

Broken tile or cracked grout spreads quickly to the tiles around it, which can lead to more problems or a bigger -and more costly- repair job down the line. Therefore, it is best to repair any broken or cracked tiles as soon as you spot them.  

Remember, only repair the tile when it is completely dry. Furthermore, the tile and grout should be properly set and fully cured before introducing water again.

Oasis Tile can help you choose the most durable tile for your pool

By cleaning your swimming pool tile regularly, and providing routine maintenance, your tiles will stay looking nice for many years. 

Here at Oasis Tile we can help you pick the best tiles for your pool and answer any questions you might have around how to care for them. Choose from

a wide range of pool tiles

, available in several colors, designs, materials, and finishes, and create a long-lasting, stunning oasis at your home or business.

How Long Should Pool TilePool Tile Last? 4 Things to Know

Pool tile is a lot like grass on a golf course &#; you don&#;t absolutely need it, but it&#;s not the same without it. It is an extremely important element when it comes to the overall maintenance, longevity, and aesthetic of your swimming pool. Most commonly known for its use as waterline tile, the 6&#; band running along the top perimeter of the pool certainly serves a purpose! Where the surface of the water touches the wall is known as the scum line. This is where minerals, debris, and algae collect.

Unlike the plaster and aggregate, pool tile is much smoother and is also non-porous allowing for easier cleaning this scum and debris that otherwise would collect and be more difficult to remove from the rough, porous surface of the plaster or aggregate. Algae love porous materials as it provides a home to grow. So it only makes sense to use a material that repels these unwanted elements. This ideology also holds true in fiberglass pools. Fiberglass pools do not require waterline tile, but most do utilize pool tile for the waterline for both practicality as well as the finished look. Pool tile is available in both porcelain and glass, and in many different formats.

Not just for waterline&#; Pool tile is also used to accent steps, create accent walls, beautify a spa or fountain. And for those seeking the ultimate pool finish, there is nothing better than a completely tiled all-glass mosaic pool finish! Today&#;s most popular trend in pool finishes is in fact glass mosaic pools, and for good reason.

Glass tile can light up your pool like a beautiful smile. Unlike traditional porcelain pool tile, glass offers a much broader variety of reflective colors and iridescent finishes allowing light to reflect when the sun hits it just right. Glass tile may also be translucent, or semi-translucent giving the material a much greater sense of dimension and depth. The material is also the most durable of any pool finish as it is frostproof, UV resistant, and impervious to water. Glass tile pool finishes indeed come at a premium, but this is outweighed by the beauty and durability of the material.

There are certainly long-term cost savings. A properly installed glass tile finish should last indefinitely with proper care and maintenance, whereas traditional plaster finishes and aggregates tend to be replaced or repaired every five to ten years. This is when signs of etching and chipping start to occur. On average a homeowner could expect to pay anywhere from $20 to $30 per sqft for the installation of glass tile. Pricing will vary based on location, application, and the level of expertise of the installer that is hired &#; keep in mind that glass tiles are considered a luxury finish and will also improve property value.

On that note, here are four things to think about regarding the care and maintenance of your pool tile to make it last as long as possible:


Pool Chemistry Maintenance

In order to keep your pool&#;s pH, alkalinity and chlorine at the optimum levels, check twice a week &#; or more. A balanced pool chemistry-wise will go a long way in keeping pool tiles looking great. If you fail to perform consistent pool maintenance, be prepared for algae and/or scale formation due to low pH.

And a high pH isn&#;t any better for your pool and pool tiles. Grout will degrade (as in staining, fading and eroding) if the pH is at the upper levels.

To help you with a maintenance schedule, here&#;s a handy timetable to follow:

Once a Month &#; Check for calcium hardness as well as total dissolved salts (TDS). If you have a salt pool, it&#;s also a good idea to make sure you have necessary salt levels required for the particular water volume of your pool.

Once a Week &#; It&#;s extremely critical to check for total alkalinity (TA).

It&#;s also important to clean the entire pool weekly or more regularly. There&#;s also pool chores like vacuuming, brushing and skimming that are normally accomplished daily or weekly. This usually depends on how much time you have and how badly your pool needs it.

And don&#;t forget about those non-ordinary occurrences. A giant blowout pool party can move up your normal maintenance. Storms, unusually windy conditions and temperature spikes also mean extra maintenance.

Notice unusual odors coming from your pool? This also usually indicates more maintenance. Murky water, growth of algae usually means the same thing. If you find your pool water burning your eyes or irritating your skin, give your pool an extra maintenance massage.

Hard water is also hard on your swimming pool tiles as well as equipment. Scaling occurs from hard water as the elements of magnesium and calcium become problematic in combination with normal water evaporation. Fortunately pool additives exist to soften the water. These commercial additives will also control calcium levels.

Calcium buildup is also managed with products that help with scale and stains.


Waterline Tile Care

The wind blows, leaves and dust enter your pool. And where do they go? You can pretty much count on leaves, oil and most floating debris to eventually cling to waterline tiles. A nylon scrubbing sponge or bristled brush of nylon should be used to remove dirt from ceramic or porcelain mosaic tile. Pumice stone may have to be called into action to carefully remove stubborn scaling.

Glass mosaic tiles for your waterline tend to require less maintenance. But when grime and dirt do become a problem, homemade cleaners are often the best weapon. Pool owners have used everything from water and vinegar to vinegar and baking soda cleaners for glass tile. Dish soap and even toothpaste have also been called upon to get rid of unsightly deposits.

Pool professionals believe waterline tile could actually survive three quarters of a century with the best care possible following professional installation. At the very least, you can expect great looking waterline pool tile for quite a few years with timely maintenance and routine cleaning.

If you live in a region where it&#;s far too cold to swim throughout the year, you should carefully prepare your pool at the beginning of your area&#;s swim season as well as at the end of the season.

Whether filling your pool or draining it, the key is go slowly. When the changes in pressure are gradual, pool tile will generally not be affected. By filling or draining too quickly, damage often occurs to tile on account of contraction or expansion.

You should aim for one-inch per hour when it comes to draining or filling your pool on a seasonal basis.

Your swimming pool&#;s tile grout should also be inspected at the start of pool season &#; and on a regular basis if you live in an area where swimming is pretty much a year-round pleasure. It&#;s usually recommended to seal pool tile grout every three to five years. This extra protection for your grout will help your tile to look its best, not to mention staying in place.

A pool cover also is a very good idea when your pool is not in use. This keeps your tiles and pool in tip-top shape. Additionally, a good quality pool cover helps prevent children and pets from slipping into the water. A pool cover also dramatically reduces the rate of pool water evaporation. Remember, a high evaporation rate is primarily responsible for waterline scale.

During the day when exposed to temperatures, humidity and winds, water will evaporate faster if not protected with a pool cover.

A bonus to using a pool cover to help tiles last longer, you will find that pool covers normally reduce the costs of heating. It&#;s possible to reduce heating costs 70% with pool covers.


Start With Professional Installation

Having a professional install your waterline tiles will inevitably extend their usefulness for more than the normal life span of five to 10 years. Want proof? Take a look at what happens to tiles when they&#;re not initially installed correctly &#; they simply fall off.

Swimming pool tiles should never just fall off. This generally happens when industry standards are not followed during the installation process.

For one thing, using the improper thin-set while attaching tiles can make them fall off down the road (or in the pool as in this case). Another installation issue that results in tile fall occurs when the installer uses an inferior grout that is not meant for applications under water. Using a homemade concrete mix or thin-set are not good substitutes for industry standard grout designed for water use.

In general, if you want problems with your pool, cutting corners is a sure way to bring them on.

The degradation of the cement bed behind improperly installed tile can also occur. This commonly happens due to shoddy workmanship during the laying of the tiles, which permits the seeping of water via cracks in the tile or grout.

Tile damage is also the result of poor water chemistry. You want calcium hardness levels of 200-400 PPM. This level of calcium hardness puts a stop to corrosive water. You do not want corrosive water, which will react negatively with any metals in your pool (such as swimming pool equipment) as well as with tile grout.

When designing some of the more challenging pool mosaic tile patterns, you especially want a pool tile professional to handle the work. Compelling but challenging patterns include glass subway tile and hexagon tile.


When To Replace Tiles

There are several other telltale signs of tile problems in addition to tiles just falling off. This includes:

  • Stained Tile &#; When minerals emerge from grout and adhere to a tile surface, staining will occur. If the tile isn&#;t ruined, you can expect white spots or just a general downgraded appearance.

An acid wash can usually fix this problem if the stained tile is not beyond repair. It&#;s not recommended for do-it-yourselfers due to the presence of acid. However, for around $40 you can buy the necessary chemicals. Protective clothing is also required to do this somewhat potentially dangerous job.

Expect to pay anywhere from $150 to $250 to have a pool professional eliminate the tile stains with an acid wash. You will find that the cost to do this varies considerably depending on pool size as well as pool accessibility and the particular company handling the project.

  •  Cracked Tile &#; A cracked tile is also fixable if the damage is not all that bad. There are tile patching kits available for this job. Most tile patching kits allow you to create an adhesive material with water and mortar that comes with the kit.

Removing the cracked tile can be a little tricky. First you need to use a screwdriver or even a chisel to take off the cracked tile. When you do this be very careful not to damage tiles that aren&#;t cracked. Then, once you have the patch kit adhesive ready to go, just spread the adhesive onto the wall behind the tile (called a beam). It&#;s important the beam is completely covered with the adhesive before leveraging the new tile in place. Wait a good 24-hours or so before attempting to re-grout. 

  • Grout Corrosion &#; Never underestimate the importance of good grout. If the grout is worn down, don&#;t be surprised if pool tiles fall off next. Inspect grout regularly for possible corrosion issues. It could definitely be the right time to replace tiles if grout between your tiles is in bad shape.

Also, be aware that tile gaps caused by degrading grout can become a hazard for swimmers who may receive scrapes and cuts if they come in contact with grout gaps. 

So, how long should your pool tile last? What can you do to keep it beautiful for longer? Read on and learn everything you need to know.

Why do pool tiles tend to last longer than regular tiles?

Pool tiles are more durable than tiles found in your kitchen or bathroom, so they tend to last longer. Usually, if proper care is taken, pool tiles last between 5 to 10 years. This is because tiles used in swimming pools are constantly exposed to sunlight and chemicals, so they are crafted to be stronger. 

To achieve this level of durability, pool tiles are coated by a glaze so they can withstand extra stress and resist fading for years to come.

Which pool tile type lasts the longest? 

Glass, ceramic, and stone tile are the three most popular choices when it comes to pool tiles. But, which one is considered to be the most durable?

  • Glass tile

    is on the pricey side but it&#;s worth the extra cost because it&#;s eco-friendly, non-porous and the most durable. Glass tile can be curved so the surfaces of your pool can be covered completely. It also reflects light, which makes your water look bluer, and shine more when the sun hits it.

  • Ceramic pool tile

    is easy to maintain, it comes in many different colors and designs, so you can create a look that is unique to your backyard, and it can be a very affordable option, which is why they are very popular.

  • Stone tile

    is another great option, creating a natural look with a soft textured feel in your backyard. However, stone is a porous material, meaning it will need special care and maintenance to ensure it lasts longer.

Caring for your pool tiles so they last for years to come

Your swimming pool tiles will last longer depending how much effort you are willing to commit to. The more care, cleaning, and maintenance you provide to them, the longer they will last. Here are some useful tips.

1.Maintain pool chemistry

To keep your pool tile looking like new, it is important to keep the chemistry of the swimming pool balanced. To do this, check the chemicals regularly to ensure the pH, chlorine, and alkalinity are within appropriate levels. 

If the pH is too high, the grout can erode, fade, or stain. On the other hand, if the pH is too low, then scale or algae formation can occur. 

Chlorine and pH levels should be checked two to three times a week. Other chemicals should be checked within the following guidelines:

  • Total alkalinity (TA) &#; one time a week

  • Calcium hardness &#; one time a month

  • Total dissolved solids (TDS) &#; one time a month

  • Salt (if you have a salt pool) &#; one time a month

2. Prevent scale deposits

Lime, calcium, and other mineral deposits are common when pool chemistry is out of balance. To prevent buildups, clean your pool once a week with a soft brush. Make sure the brush is soft enough because a hard bristle brush can damage the tiles by scratching them. 

If the scale buildup becomes too much and you can&#;t remove it yourself, then you may need to call a professional to clean your tiles for you.

3. Take care of waterline tiles

It is common for leaves and other debris to attach to the waterline tiles. This can lead to oil, dirt, scale buildup and stains. To remove the buildup, clean the tile using a nylon scrubbing sponge or a nylon-bristled brush. Using a leaf net cover can also help keep leaves out of your swimming pool.

4. Cover your pool when it&#;s not used

Be sure to cover your pool when it is not in use. A good pool cover will help protect your tiles by keeping water from evaporating thus reducing the chances of scale forming. 

Also, by covering your pool, not only will you keep your tile looking great, but you will also reduce heating costs, saving even up to 70%.

5. Prepare your tiles for the season

When preparing your pool for the season, either opening or closing it, take care to slowly fill or drain the water. By going slow, the pressure change is gradual and easier on the tile. 

This helps prevent damage due to expansion or contraction. A good guideline is to fill one-inch per hour when you are filling, or draining, your pool. 

6. Check the tile grout

While you are getting your pool ready for the season, don&#;t forget to check the tile grout. Sealing your pool tile grout every 3 to 5 years will keep your tile looking nice and well-protected.

7. Don&#;t delay repairs

Broken tile or cracked grout spreads quickly to the tiles around it, which can lead to more problems or a bigger -and more costly- repair job down the line. Therefore, it is best to repair any broken or cracked tiles as soon as you spot them.  

Remember, only repair the tile when it is completely dry. Furthermore, the tile and grout should be properly set and fully cured before introducing water again.

Oasis Tile can help you choose the most durable tile for your pool

By cleaning your swimming pool tile regularly, and providing routine maintenance, your tiles will stay looking nice for many years. 

Here at Oasis Tile we can help you pick the best tiles for your pool and answer any questions you might have around how to care for them. Choose from

a wide range of pool tiles

, available in several colors, designs, materials, and finishes, and create a long-lasting, stunning oasis at your home or business.

How Long Should Pool Tile Last? 4 Things to Know

Pool tile is a lot like grass on a golf course &#; you don&#;t absolutely need it, but it&#;s not the same without it. It is an extremely important element when it comes to the overall maintenance, longevity, and aesthetic of your swimming pool. Most commonly known for its use as waterline tile, the 6&#; band running along the top perimeter of the pool certainly serves a purpose! Where the surface of the water touches the wall is known as the scum line. This is where minerals, debris, and algae collect.

Unlike the plaster and aggregate, pool tile is much smoother and is also non-porous allowing for easier cleaning this scum and debris that otherwise would collect and be more difficult to remove from the rough, porous surface of the plaster or aggregate. Algae love porous materials as it provides a home to grow. So it only makes sense to use a material that repels these unwanted elements. This ideology also holds true in fiberglass pools. Fiberglass pools do not require waterline tile, but most do utilize pool tile for the waterline for both practicality as well as the finished look. Pool tile is available in both porcelain and glass, and in many different formats.

Not just for waterline&#; Pool tile is also used to accent steps, create accent walls, beautify a spa or fountain. And for those seeking the ultimate pool finish, there is nothing better than a completely tiled all-glass mosaic pool finish! Today&#;s most popular trend in pool finishes is in fact glass mosaic pools, and for good reason.

Glass tile can light up your pool like a beautiful smile. Unlike traditional porcelain pool tile, glass offers a much broader variety of reflective colors and iridescent finishes allowing light to reflect when the sun hits it just right. Glass tile may also be translucent, or semi-translucent giving the material a much greater sense of dimension and depth. The material is also the most durable of any pool finish as it is frostproof, UV resistant, and impervious to water. Glass tile pool finishes indeed come at a premium, but this is outweighed by the beauty and durability of the material.

Contact us to discuss your requirements of Glass Pool Tile Prices. Our experienced sales team can help you identify the options that best suit your needs.

There are certainly long-term cost savings. A properly installed glass tile finish should last indefinitely with proper care and maintenance, whereas traditional plaster finishes and aggregates tend to be replaced or repaired every five to ten years. This is when signs of etching and chipping start to occur. On average a homeowner could expect to pay anywhere from $20 to $30 per sqft for the installation of glass tile. Pricing will vary based on location, application, and the level of expertise of the installer that is hired &#; keep in mind that glass tiles are considered a luxury finish and will also improve property value.

On that note, here are four things to think about regarding the care and maintenance of your pool tile to make it last as long as possible:


Pool Chemistry Maintenance

In order to keep your pool&#;s pH, alkalinity and chlorine at the optimum levels, check twice a week &#; or more. A balanced pool chemistry-wise will go a long way in keeping pool tiles looking great. If you fail to perform consistent pool maintenance, be prepared for algae and/or scale formation due to low pH.

And a high pH isn&#;t any better for your pool and pool tiles. Grout will degrade (as in staining, fading and eroding) if the pH is at the upper levels.

To help you with a maintenance schedule, here&#;s a handy timetable to follow:

Once a Month &#; Check for calcium hardness as well as total dissolved salts (TDS). If you have a salt pool, it&#;s also a good idea to make sure you have necessary salt levels required for the particular water volume of your pool.

Once a Week &#; It&#;s extremely critical to check for total alkalinity (TA).

It&#;s also important to clean the entire pool weekly or more regularly. There&#;s also pool chores like vacuuming, brushing and skimming that are normally accomplished daily or weekly. This usually depends on how much time you have and how badly your pool needs it.

And don&#;t forget about those non-ordinary occurrences. A giant blowout pool party can move up your normal maintenance. Storms, unusually windy conditions and temperature spikes also mean extra maintenance.

Notice unusual odors coming from your pool? This also usually indicates more maintenance. Murky water, growth of algae usually means the same thing. If you find your pool water burning your eyes or irritating your skin, give your pool an extra maintenance massage.

Hard water is also hard on your swimming pool tiles as well as equipment. Scaling occurs from hard water as the elements of magnesium and calcium become problematic in combination with normal water evaporation. Fortunately pool additives exist to soften the water. These commercial additives will also control calcium levels.

Calcium buildup is also managed with products that help with scale and stains.


Waterline Tile Care

The wind blows, leaves and dust enter your pool. And where do they go? You can pretty much count on leaves, oil and most floating debris to eventually cling to waterline tiles. A nylon scrubbing sponge or bristled brush of nylon should be used to remove dirt from ceramic or porcelain mosaic tile. Pumice stone may have to be called into action to carefully remove stubborn scaling.

Glass mosaic tiles for your waterline tend to require less maintenance. But when grime and dirt do become a problem, homemade cleaners are often the best weapon. Pool owners have used everything from water and vinegar to vinegar and baking soda cleaners for glass tile. Dish soap and even toothpaste have also been called upon to get rid of unsightly deposits.

Pool professionals believe waterline tile could actually survive three quarters of a century with the best care possible following professional installation. At the very least, you can expect great looking waterline pool tile for quite a few years with timely maintenance and routine cleaning.

If you live in a region where it&#;s far too cold to swim throughout the year, you should carefully prepare your pool at the beginning of your area&#;s swim season as well as at the end of the season.

Whether filling your pool or draining it, the key is go slowly. When the changes in pressure are gradual, pool tile will generally not be affected. By filling or draining too quickly, damage often occurs to tile on account of contraction or expansion.

You should aim for one-inch per hour when it comes to draining or filling your pool on a seasonal basis.

Your swimming pool&#;s tile grout should also be inspected at the start of pool season &#; and on a regular basis if you live in an area where swimming is pretty much a year-round pleasure. It&#;s usually recommended to seal pool tile grout every three to five years. This extra protection for your grout will help your tile to look its best, not to mention staying in place.

A pool cover also is a very good idea when your pool is not in use. This keeps your tiles and pool in tip-top shape. Additionally, a good quality pool cover helps prevent children and pets from slipping into the water. A pool cover also dramatically reduces the rate of pool water evaporation. Remember, a high evaporation rate is primarily responsible for waterline scale.

During the day when exposed to temperatures, humidity and winds, water will evaporate faster if not protected with a pool cover.

A bonus to using a pool cover to help tiles last longer, you will find that pool covers normally reduce the costs of heating. It&#;s possible to reduce heating costs 70% with pool covers.


Start With Professional Installation

Having a professional install your waterline tiles will inevitably extend their usefulness for more than the normal life span of five to 10 years. Want proof? Take a look at what happens to tiles when they&#;re not initially installed correctly &#; they simply fall off.

Swimming pool tiles should never just fall off. This generally happens when industry standards are not followed during the installation process.

For one thing, using the improper thin-set while attaching tiles can make them fall off down the road (or in the pool as in this case). Another installation issue that results in tile fall occurs when the installer uses an inferior grout that is not meant for applications under water. Using a homemade concrete mix or thin-set are not good substitutes for industry standard grout designed for water use.

In general, if you want problems with your pool, cutting corners is a sure way to bring them on.

The degradation of the cement bed behind improperly installed tile can also occur. This commonly happens due to shoddy workmanship during the laying of the tiles, which permits the seeping of water via cracks in the tile or grout.

Tile damage is also the result of poor water chemistry. You want calcium hardness levels of 200-400 PPM. This level of calcium hardness puts a stop to corrosive water. You do not want corrosive water, which will react negatively with any metals in your pool (such as swimming pool equipment) as well as with tile grout.

When designing some of the more challenging pool mosaic tile patterns, you especially want a pool tile professional to handle the work. Compelling but challenging patterns include glass subway tile and hexagon tile.


When To Replace Tiles

There are several other telltale signs of tile problems in addition to tiles just falling off. This includes:

  • Stained Tile &#; When minerals emerge from grout and adhere to a tile surface, staining will occur. If the tile isn&#;t ruined, you can expect white spots or just a general downgraded appearance.

An acid wash can usually fix this problem if the stained tile is not beyond repair. It&#;s not recommended for do-it-yourselfers due to the presence of acid. However, for around $40 you can buy the necessary chemicals. Protective clothing is also required to do this somewhat potentially dangerous job.

Expect to pay anywhere from $150 to $250 to have a pool professional eliminate the tile stains with an acid wash. You will find that the cost to do this varies considerably depending on pool size as well as pool accessibility and the particular company handling the project.

  •  Cracked Tile &#; A cracked tile is also fixable if the damage is not all that bad. There are tile patching kits available for this job. Most tile patching kits allow you to create an adhesive material with water and mortar that comes with the kit.

Removing the cracked tile can be a little tricky. First you need to use a screwdriver or even a chisel to take off the cracked tile. When you do this be very careful not to damage tiles that aren&#;t cracked. Then, once you have the patch kit adhesive ready to go, just spread the adhesive onto the wall behind the tile (called a beam). It&#;s important the beam is completely covered with the adhesive before leveraging the new tile in place. Wait a good 24-hours or so before attempting to re-grout. 

  • Grout Corrosion &#; Never underestimate the importance of good grout. If the grout is worn down, don&#;t be surprised if pool tiles fall off next. Inspect grout regularly for possible corrosion issues. It could definitely be the right time to replace tiles if grout between your tiles is in bad shape.

Also, be aware that tile gaps caused by degrading grout can become a hazard for swimmers who may receive scrapes and cuts if they come in contact with grout gaps. 

If you want to learn more, please visit our website Blue Glass Pool Tiles.

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