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What Are the Advantages of Hydrogen Peroxide Production Plant?

Jun. 24, 2024

The Advantages of On-Site Hydrogen Peroxide Generation ...

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and chlorine are potent oxidizing agents used extensively across a myriad of industrial applications, including water treatment, disinfection processes, and bleaching in pulp and paper industries. Traditionally, these oxidizers are manufactured off-site and delivered to the user&#;s location. This traditional supply chain poses several challenges, including high transportation costs, storage difficulties, and potential safety risks. Recent advancements in technology, however, have made it feasible to produce these oxidizing agents on-site, leading to reduced costs and increased safety. Of these two options, on-site hydrogen peroxide generation, particularly by companies using no chemical inputs like HPNow, has shown promise in offering numerous advantages over on-site chlorine .

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On-site generation of oxidizing agents eliminates the need for transportation and storage of hazardous chemicals. For chlorine, on-site production usually employs the electrolysis of brine (sodium chloride) solution to produce sodium hypochlorite or hypochlorous acid.

In contrast, on-site generation of hydrogen peroxide can be accomplished using only water and electricity, without the need for additional chemicals. HPNow&#;s proprietary technology, for instance, utilizes a process based on advanced electrochemical cell design and catalytic reactions. This technology harnesses the power of electricity to split water molecules and recombine them into hydrogen peroxide, a process often referred to as the electrochemical synthesis of hydrogen peroxide.


One of the key benefits of on-site H2O2 production is the superior safety profile and reduced environmental impact compared to on-site chlorine generation. Chlorine is highly toxic and poses a significant risk in case of leaks. In addition, a byproduct of chlorine electrolysis is hydrogen gas, which is highly flammable and requires specialized ventilation and dedicated safety measures. Upon use, chlorine and its by-products have been implicated in numerous environmental issues. Chlorine can react with organic compounds to produce trihalomethanes (THMs) and other disinfection by-products (DBPs), which have potential health risks.

On the other hand, hydrogen peroxide is a more environmentally friendly oxidizing agent. It decomposes naturally into water and oxygen, posing minimal environmental hazard. No disinfection by-products (DBPs) are produced. The on-site generation of hydrogen peroxide also reduces the risk of leaks associated with transportation, storage and handling, thereby enhancing safety.


On-site peroxide generation eliminates the need for any chemical inputs, as opposed to chlorine, which relies on salt or potassium chloride. This is a consumable that needs to be managed.

As on-site peroxide generation does not introduce salts into the water, users avoid any salt accumulation associated with the use of chlorine. This is key in applications involving living beings (either plants, animals or humans), as the increased salinity can be harmful. Chlorine and its increased salinity can also have negative effects on materials, such as stainless steel, brass or plastics. In contrast, hydrogen peroxide has greater material compatibility, and does not cause corrosion on plastics or stainless steel, contributing to a lower maintenance cost.


On-site generation of H2O2 also offers benefits in terms of efficiency and efficacy. The ability to produce H2O2 on-demand ensures a fresh supply of the oxidizing agent, eliminating concerns about degradation over time, which can be a challenge with stored chlorine.

In terms of efficacy, studies have shown that hydrogen peroxide has strong oxidizing properties, allowing it to readily react with a wide variety of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Furthermore, unlike chlorine, hydrogen peroxide does not form harmful disinfection by-products, making it a safer choice for many .

Scientists have also found hydrogen peroxide to be a superior bacteriostatic agent than chlorine, especially when it comes to preventing the growth of biofilm. Biofilm can lead to various issues such as reduced water flow, increased pathogen growth, and even equipment deterioration. In this regard, hydrogen peroxide&#;s exceptional efficacy in inhibiting biofilm formation makes it an excellent choice for applications where maintaining a clean and uncontaminated environment is crucial.


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In the past, on-site production of hydrogen peroxide faced challenges related to efficiency and product purity. However, companies like HPNow have made significant strides in addressing these challenges. HPNow&#;s technology employs a direct electrochemical process that uses only electricity and water to efficiently generate H2O2, without the need for any additional chemicals.

This technology is not only safe and environmentally friendly but also highly efficient, providing a reliable and consistent source of hydrogen peroxide. Furthermore, HPNow&#;s system is designed to be easily integrated into existing infrastructure, further enhancing its economic feasibility.


On-site generation of oxidizing agents provides significant benefits over traditional supply chains, particularly in terms of safety, environmental impact, and cost. Among the on-site generation options, hydrogen peroxide holds clear advantages over chlorine, particularly when it is generated from only electricity and water.

On-site H2O2 production offers superior safety, lower environmental impact, and a broad range of applications. Furthermore, advancements in technology, as exemplified by companies like HPNow, have made it possible to produce H2O2 on-site in a safe, efficient, and economically viable manner.

As industries continue to seek safer, more environmentally friendly, and cost-effective solutions, on-site hydrogen peroxide generation will undoubtedly play an increasingly significant role in various applications.

Hydrogen Peroxide as a Sustainable Energy Carrier

This review describes homogeneous and heterogeneous catalytic reduction of dioxygen with metal complexes focusing on the catalytic two-electron reduction of dioxygen to produce hydrogen peroxide. Whether two-electron reduction of dioxygen to produce hydrogen peroxide or four-electron O 2 -reduction to produce water occurs depends on the types of metals and ligands that are utilized. Those factors controlling the two processes are discussed in terms of metal-oxygen intermediates involved in the catalysis. Metal complexes acting as catalysts for selective two-electron reduction of oxygen can be utilized as metal complex-modified electrodes in the electrocatalytic reduction to produce hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide thus produced can be used as a fuel in a hydrogen peroxide fuel cell. A hydrogen peroxide fuel cell can be operated with a one-compartment structure without a membrane, which is certainly more promising for the development of low-cost fuel cells as compared with two compartment hydrogen fuel cells that require membranes. Hydrogen peroxide is regarded as an environmentally benign energy carrier because it can be produced by the electrocatalytic two-electron reduction of O 2 , which is abundant in air, using solar cells; the hydrogen peroxide thus produced could then be readily stored and then used as needed to generate electricity through the use of hydrogen peroxide fuel cells.

On the other hand, hydrogen peroxide has merited significant attention, because H 2 O 2 can oxidize various chemicals selectively to produce no waste chemicals but water [ 20 &#; 22 ]. Hydrogen peroxide can be an ideal energy carrier alternative to oil or hydrogen, because it can be used in a fuel cell leading to the generation of electricity [ 23 ]. Thus, a combination of hydrogen peroxide production by the electrocatalytic reduction of dioxygen in air with electrical power generated by a photovoltaic solar cell and power generation with a hydrogen peroxide fuel cell provides a sustainable solar fuel [ 24 ]. Currently H 2 O 2 is mainly produced by the anthraquinone process, in which the hydroquinone in an organic solvent is oxidized by molecular oxygen to produce H 2 O 2 and quinone. The quinone formed can then be reduced by hydrogen using Ni or Pd catalysts. Thus, H 2 O 2 is produced by the reduction of oxygen with hydrogen. In recent years, more than 3.5 million metric tons of H 2 O 2 are produced all over the world annually in recent years [ 25 ]. In this review, first we describe homogeneous vs. heterogeneous catalytic reduction of dioxygen with a variety of metal complexes and then we introduce recent development in the electrocatalytic production of H 2 O 2 and hydrogen peroxide fuel cells.

Hydrogen is a clean energy source for the future and it can be used to reduce the dependence on fossil fuels and the emissions of greenhouse gases in the long-term [ 11 &#; 14 ]. The important advantage of hydrogen is that carbon dioxide is not produced when hydrogen is burned to produce only water. Hydrogen should be ideally produced by splitting water using solar energy. However, the storage of hydrogen has been a difficult issue, because hydrogen is a gas having a low volumetric energy density. Tank systems have been employed, either for gaseous pressurized hydrogen or liquid hydrogen. However, high-pressure equipment and a large demand for energy for cryogenic purposes are involved. Other approaches, such as in the use of metal hydrides, carbon nanotubes, and metal&#;organic frameworks can store or liberate only low amounts of hydrogen and unfavorable high temperatures are required to release the stored hydrogen [ 15 &#; 19 ]. Thus, none of the existing processes for storage and carriage of hydrogen are environmentally benign.

The rapid consumption of fossil fuel is expected to cause unacceptable environmental problems such as the greenhouse effect by CO 2 emission, which may lead to disastrous climatic consequences in the near future [ 1 ]. Even if climate change, such as that due to global warming, turns out to be a less than expected important problem, we are certainly on the verge of running out of fossil fuels by the end of 21 st century, because the consumption rate of fossil fuel is expected to increase further by worldwide rapid population and economic growth, particularly in the developing countries [ 2 ]. Thus, renewable and clean energy resources are urgently required in order to solve global energy and environmental issues. Among renewable energy resources, solar energy is by far the largest exploitable resource [ 3 &#; 8 ]. Of course, solar energy has been utilized for ages in photosynthesis, leading to accumulated fossil fuel which we have been using so rapidly. It is therefore quite important for us to obtain sustainable solar fuels such as hydrogen or others [ 3 &#; 10 ].

2. Catalytic reduction of dioxygen with metal complexes

2.3. Cytochrome c oxidase models

In the final step in the biological respiratory chain, the four-electron and four-proton reduction of O2 to H2O is efficiently catalyzed by the heme/copper (heme a3/CuB) heterodinuclear center in cytochrome c oxidases (CcO) ( ) [54&#;56]. Biomimetic chemical modeling of the CcO active site has extensively been studied to provide not only the mechanistic insights into the four-electron and four-proton reduction of O2 but also as a blueprint for bioinspired fuel cells [56&#;62]. A number of heme a3/CuB synthetic analogues have been developed to mimic the coordination environment of the heme a3/CuB bimetallic center in CcO [56&#;61]. The electrocatalytic function of heme a3/CuB synthetic analogues has also been examined by using electrodes modified with the synthetic models to perform the catalytic four-electron and four-proton reduction of O2 [59&#;63]. However, the structure of synthetic models may be changed when they are adsorbed on an electrode surface (vide supra). In addition, the solid supported state employed for such studies has precluded any spectroscopic monitoring or intermediates detection. Thus, the catalytic reduction of O2 to water was examined using ferrocene derivatives as one-electron reductants and a heme/Cu functional model of CcO (6LFeCu, ) and its Cu-free version (6LFe, ) as catalysts in homogeneous solutions. [64]. The detailed kinetic analysis together with spectroscopic detection of reactive intermediates has provided new mechanistic insights into the O&#;O reductive cleavage process as described here [64].

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The catalytic mechanism for the four-electron and four-proton reduction of O2 by decamethylferrocene (Fc*) with 6LFeCu and 6LFe in acetone is summarized in and , respectively. In the presence of acid, [6LFeIII-O-CuII]+ is converted to [6LFeIIICuII]3+ by releasing water and the catalytic cycle starts via a fast reduction of the heme and then the Cu to generate the reduced complex [6LFeIICuI]+. Then O2 binds to [6LFeIICuI]+, and this is followed by rapid protonation affording the Fe-hydroperoxo complex {6LFeIII-OOH CuII}2+. Reductive O-O bond cleavage is followed by further rapid reduction to produce H2O accompanied by regeneration of [6LFeIIICuII]3+. The rate of formation of Fc* was zero-order and the zero-order rate constant increased proportionally with increasing the catalyst concentration, but the zero-order rate constant remained constant with variation of concentrations of TFA and O2 at 213 K [64]. This unusual kinetics indicates that the rate-determining step is a process which does not involve reactions with Fc*, H+, O2. Such a reaction is the O-O bond cleavage in {6LFeIII-OOH CuII}2+, followed by rapid electron transfer to complete the four-electron and four-proton reduction of O2. This is confirmed by the steady-state observation of {6LFeIII-OOH CuII}2+ (λmax = 415, 538 nm) during the catalytic reduction of O2 by Fc* with 6LFeCu at 213 K. {6LFeIII-OOH CuII}2+ was independently generated at low temperature (193 K) by the addition of an excess of TFA to the previously well characterized peroxo complex [6LFeIII-(O22&#;)-CuII]+ [65].

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In the case of the Cu-free version 6LFe ( ) as well, the rate of formation of Fc* was zero-order and the zero-order rate constant increased proportionally with increasing the catalyst concentration, but the zero-order rate constant remained constant with variation of concentrations of TFA and O2 at 213 K [64]. This again indicates that the rate-determining step in the catalytic cycle is the O-O bond cleavage of 6LFeIII-OOH. Surprisingly the bond cleavage rate of 6LFeIII-OOH is the same as that of {6LFeIII-OOH CuII}2+. This suggests that the Cu is not bound to the FeIII-OOH moiety in {6LFeIII-OOH CuII}2+.

This rate-determining step found to occur at 213 K is changed to be the process of O2-binding to [6LFeIICuI]+ at 298 K when the zero-order rate constant increases proportionally with increasing concentration of O2 [64]. The change in the rate-determining step at 298 K was confirmed by the change in the steady-state species identified to be {6LFeIII-OOH CuII}2+ at 213 K instead to [6LFeIICuI]+ (λmax = 422 nm) at 298 K. In contrast to the case at 213 K, however, the O2-binding rate at 298 K to [6LFeIICuI]+ is significantly faster than that to 6LFeII [64]. This result suggests that the role of the Cu in 6LFeCu, at ambient temperature, is to assist the heme and lead to faster O2-binding during the catalytic cycle.

The electrocatalytic reduction of O2 was examined using an edge plane pyrolytic graphite (EPG) disk shape electrode, which was modified with 6LFeCu [66]. The modified EPG electrode was prepared by transferring an MeCN solution of [6LFeIICuI]+ on the EPG surface and allowing the solvent to evaporate in an argon atmosphere giving a dried surface [66]. Levich and Koutecky-Levich plots [Eqs. (6) and (7)] are shown in , respectively [66]. The dashed lines were obtained from the calculated diffusion-convection controlled currents based on the Levich equation assuming the number of electrons for O2 reduction as two or four. The open circles were from the measured plateau currents and they were higher than those with the two-electron reduction. The deviation from linearity of the four-electron transfer plot suggests that the catalytic reaction is limited by kinetics in addition to the mass-transfer process. In the Koutecky-Levich plot in obtained from the data in , the measured values (open circles) were parallel to the line of four-electron reduction. This indicates that the adsorbed complex [6LFeIICuI]+ catalyzed the four-electron reduction of O2 to H2O as is the case in the homogeneous solution (vide supra). The four-electron reduction of O2 to H2O was confirmed by using rotating EPG disk-platinum ring electrodes to measure the fraction of O2, which was reduced to H2O, rather than to H2O2. With adsorbed [6LFeIICuI]+, a small anodic ring plateau curve was observed during the reduction of O2 at the EPG disk electrode and it was found that most O2 (85 %) was reduced to H2O [66].

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