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What are the disadvantages of PBAT?

Jul. 15, 2024

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FTIR, XRD, and SEM images were used to describe the structure and morphology of the synthesized AgSnO 2 microparticles, as shown in . The characteristic absorption peaks at 950 and 570 cm &#;1 in a were a result of the bending and stretching modes of SnO 2 termed Sn&#;O and O&#;Sn&#;O, respectively. The as-synthesized AgSnO 2 exhibited a strong absorption for the O&#;H stretching band at cm &#;1 in addition to weak peaks for C&#;OH at , , and cm &#;1 , showing that the AgSnO 2 contained hydroxyl groups. The Ag&#;O bond was indicated by the peak at cm &#;1 ; Ag with SnO 2 was used to confirm this bond. b shows the XRD patterns of the hydrothermally synthesized AgSnO 2 . The four main peaks of AgSnO 2 were observed at 29.11°, 37.42°, 54.35°, and 77.30° 2θ, respectively. Those contributed to the (101), (200), (221), and (320) Bragg reflections of the tetragonal structure of SnO 2 , respectively. The face-centered cubic crystal structure of silver metal also revealed three strong reflections at 38.11°, 44.21°, and 64.33°, which were indexed to the (111), (200), and (220) planes, respectively. The SnO 2 with Ag particles had a cassiterite crystal structure (JCPDS card no.: 41-). c presents SEM images of the synthesized AgSnO 2 . A characteristic SEM image of AgSnO 2 with bitter melon-like structures was observed. A high-magnification image of the prepared AgSnO 2 revealed particles with a bitter melon-like shape ( d). The SEM images support the XRD results because of the strong intra- and intermolecular interactions between nearby AgSnO 2 . Owing to its long bitter melon-like shapes, which also act as a barrier against the transmission of oxygen and water vapor, the AgSnO 2 sticks to the matrix more effectively. Figure S1 presents energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) maps of AgSnO 2 prepared by ultrasonic irradiation and coprecipitation. Ag, Sn, and O are indicated by the red, green, and yellow areas, respectively ( Figure S1b&#;d ).

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Figure S2 shows the 1 H-NMR spectrum of the PBAT matrix. The PBAT section had two polymer chains. The signals at 2.34 ppm were attributed to the outer CH 2 groups in adipic acid, while the signals at 4.11&#;4.17 ppm were assigned to the outer CH 2 groups in the 1,4-butanediol unit in the PBAT matrix. The outside CH 2 groups of the 1,4-butanediol unit were noted at 4.34&#;4.41 ppm, and the CH in the benzene ring of PBAT was observed at 8.11 ppm. The signal at 3.67&#;3.75 ppm was attributed to the CH 2 groups of the 1,4-butanediol next to the &#;OH group at the end of PBAT. A presents the FTIR spectra of the synthesized PBAT matrix. The functional groups of PBAT fulfill the method statements: peak position at 720 cm &#;1 for different or more adjacent methylene (&#;CH 2 &#;) groups, peaks at cm &#;1 for carbonyl groups (C=O) in the ester linkage, at cm &#;1 for the ester C&#;O, and at cm &#;1 for aliphatic and aromatic C&#;H stretching vibrations. Wavenumbers at 700 and 900 cm &#;1 allow for the observation of the bending peaks of the benzene replacement. B presents the XRD patterns of the PBAT polymer. The sample has a broad intensity, with peaks appearing at 17.86°, 20.94°, 23.50°, and 24.97° 2θ, suggesting an amorphous structure. C shows SEM images of PBAT. The SEM images were homogeneous and smooth. The PBAT exhibited aggregated molecular structures. The structural morphology of synthetic PBAT was studied by TEM, as shown in D. TEM showed that the transparent portion of the images represents the smooth and uniform structure of PBAT. E presents the selected area of electron diffraction (SAED) pattern of synthesized PBAT. The SAED pattern of the PBAT matrix indicated an amorphous structure. The heat of fusion for the synthesized PBAT was 17.85 J/g. The Tg was 33.4 °C at a scanning rate of 20 °C/min, and the Tm was 125.38 °C at a scanning rate of 20 °C/min. The results are presented in Figure S3 of the supporting documentation .

3.3. Characterization of PBAT/AgSnO2 Composites

3.3.1. Morphology and Thickness of the PBAT/AgSnO2 Composites

The clean PBAT and PBAT/AgSnO2 composites with several percentages of (0.5 to 5.0 wt. %) AgSnO2 exhibited uniform surfaces because the viscosities of the respective film-forming solutions were suitable for casting a film. The appearance of PBAT/AgSnO2 composite films is displayed in [ A&#;F]. The PBAT/AgSnO2 composite film with 5.0 wt.% AgSnO2 (ACP-5.0) used to have a rougher surface because of AgSnO2 agglomerations and air bubbles trapped in the casting solution. These flaws occurred because the viscosity of the PBAT solution with 5.0 wt.% AgSnO2 prevented air bubbles from exiting and the AgSnO2 content above the optimal value (above 3.0 wt.%) enhanced PBAT and metal oxide (AgSnO2) interactions. AgSnO2 MPs were used to examine the effect of the AgSnO2 content on the mechanical and barrier properties of PBAT composites, and the outcomes of these formulations were compared with those of neat PBAT film. G shows values for the film thickness of various PBAT and composite films. The film thickness ranged from 0.109 to 0.235 mm. In contrast to the PBAT composite film with 5.0 wt. % AgSnO2 (ACP-5.0), which showed a 53.6% thickness, and the neat PBAT film showed an 11.5% thickness. The mechanical and barrier characteristics of the materials are also affected by their strength.

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3.3.2. Attenuated Total Reflection Infrared (ATR-IR) Spectroscopy

The ATR-IR spectra of PBAT and PBAT/AgSnO2 composites revealed the following peaks. Asymmetric stretching of the aromatic and aliphatic C&#;H at cm&#;1, carbonyl extending from the ester bond at cm&#;1, C&#;O stretching vibration at cm&#;1, and carbonyl stretching vibration at 726 cm&#;1 (associated with the rocking vibrations of adjacent methylene [&#;CH2&#;] groups of the PBAT backbone). This is in line with the previously reported PBAT ATR-IR spectrum [36]. No noticeable differences were observed between the transmission ATR-IR spectra of the composites and those of PBAT and AgSnO2 because there was insufficient filler present. The ATR-IR spectra of the composites, which were adjusted to the composition in the first few micrometers, as evidenced by the Ag-O-Sn vibration at cm&#;1, can detect AgSnO2. With the carbonyl carbon of the PBAT acting as an internal reference, the intensity of this point increased with increasing filler concentration, showing that the filler segregates to the film surface. This is more evident with more filler. A shows the ATR-IR of the PBAT and the composites (ACP-0.5, ACP-1.0, ACP-2.0, ACP-3.0, and ACP-5.0).

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3.3.3. X-ray Diffraction (XRD)

B shows XRD patterns for the PBAT and PBAT/AgSnO2 composites. PBAT showed the characteristic XRD peaks at 17.31°, 20.35°, and 23.00° 2θ, which were indexed to the (011), (100), and (111) planes, respectively, [37]. All the PBAT/AgSnO2 composites showed these peaks at the same 2θ values. The intensities of the PBAT characteristic peaks decreased as the amount of AgSnO2 increased, but the reduction was minimal. As a result, after the filler AgSnO2 was added, there was no noticeable change in the crystal structure of PBAT. The crystallinity of PBAT in the composites was not significantly affected by AgSnO2. AgSnO2 indicates the characteristic peaks of approximately 29.11°, 38.11°, and 44.21° 2θ, which PBAT does not depict, under similar situations. The intensity of the peaks, while typical of AgSnO2, improved as the wt.% increased, showing that the development of a discrete crystalline phase is often used as a filler in the composite materials. These results indicated that the filler AgSnO2 did not affect the PBAT semi-crystal structure.

3.3.4. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)

presents SEM images of the PBAT/AgSnO2 composites with various AgSnO2 loadings percentages. The figures clearly show that the integration of AgSnO2 in the polymer matrix of pure PBAT film had a smooth surface. The surface became increasingly rough as the AgSnO2 loading was increased. b shows an SEM image of a PBAT/AgSnO2 composite film synthesized with the lowest AgSnO2 loading of 0.5 wt.% (ACP-0.5). In PBAT, the AgSnO2 are distributed evenly in this image. AgSnO2 aggregate in the PBAT matrix because of the increased interaction between AgSnO2 as its loading was increased. Images for PBAT/AgSnO2 composites prepared with a AgSnO2 loading of 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and 5.0 wt.% showed this property. The highest AgSnO2 aggregation was observed in the ACP-5.0 composite film. These results suggest that the C=O group of PBAT and AgSnO2 have strong bonding interactions in the composite PBAT/AgSnO2 composites. SEM was used to identify the nanostructured composite developed between AgSnO2 and PBAT. The elemental content of the sample was verified by EDS ( g,h). AgSnO2 in the ACP-5.0 film. According to the spectral data, the composites represent the optimal amount of Ag, Sn, O, and other elements. PBAT and the filler in the ACP-5.0 film should have an atomic composition of Ag and Sn, but EDS revealed 2.30 and 3.75.

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3.3.5. X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Analysis (XPS)

XPS was used to assess the energy levels of the element levels. According to XPS analysis, the filler was found at the air-film interface. A shows the survey spectrum for the PBAT/AgSnO2 composite film (the full binding energy range is not shown to view the region of interest). The spectrum confirmed the combination of silver and stannous atoms on the surface. The silver and stannous atom composition would be 6.91 and 5.10, provided the filler is placed into the composite film evenly. ACP-5.0 presents the multiplex spectrum of the C1s, O1s, Ag3d, and Sn3d regions. In B, the presence of carbon (C1s) states was observed at 284.72 eV, which corresponds to C&#;C bonding. In addition, oxygen (O1s) was observed at 531.75 eV, which corresponds to C=O. At 367.77 and 373.85 eV, which corresponds to Ag&#;O, the incorporation of silver (Ag3d) phase was observed. Furthermore, stannous (Sn3d) state incorporation was observed at 496.43 eV, which is identical to Sn&#;O. Similar results were observed for PBAT nanocomposites filled with increasing nanoclay contents [38,39]. Ag, Sn, C, and O were found in the survey spectrum.

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3.3.6. Thermogravimetric (TGA) Analysis

The thermal stability of PBAT composites with different loadings of 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and 5.0 wt. % AgSnO2 was studied by TGA. A heating rate of 20 °C min&#;1 was used to examine the thermal behavior in a N2 atmosphere. Figure S4 shows the results of the TGA analysis of the materials, and provides an overview of the associated data. The TGA curve for PBAT showed a peak at 416 °C, while the TGA curves for PBAT/AgSnO2 composites showed higher peaks was 417.33 °C, 418.20 °C, 419.75 °C, 421.05 °C, and 428.80 °C for 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and 5.0 wt. % AgSnO2, respectively (Figure S4A). As a result, TGA revealed improvement in the thermal properties of PBAT/AgSnO2 composites over PBAT polymers. The relatively smaller AgSnO2 (with a high surface area) ad so more consistent particle dispersion in the PBAT is too responsible for the elevated temperatures for thermal decomposition for PBAT/AgSnO2 composites. The AgSnO2 effectively inhibits the random chain thermal offers a range of PBAT because of these structures. A higher degradation temperature was also induced by the improvement in the crystallinity of the PBAT matrix after the addition of AgSnO2. This result was confirmed by the XRD analysis of the previously presented composites (or enhanced thermal stability). The mechanical characteristics of the materials will need to be examined in much more detail. Although the AgSnO2-reinforced composite film has somewhat lower degradation temperatures than the clean PBAT film, it is still used for applications that require food-based sterilization due to its higher thermal stability (up to 279&#;287 °C) as pure PBAT film.

Table 1

S. NoSamplesTGADSCAsh Content (%) bFinal Degradation
Temperature (°C) aTg (°C)Tm (°C)1.ACP-0..00&#;33..386.202.ACP-0..33&#;34..505.913.ACP-1..20&#;35..455.854.ACP-2..75&#;36..815.505.ACP-3..05&#;38..245.246.ACP-5..80&#;40..554.75Open in a separate window

3.3.7. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)

Figure S4B presents the crystallization curves of PBAT and PBAT/AgSnO2 composite films, and summarizes the data. The crystallization characteristics of PBAT and its composites were studied. During 20 °C min&#;1 heating, the Tm of neat PBAT increased slightly from 125.38 to 132.55 °C, while the Tg remained unchanged. The larger thickness and perfection of the polymer are always related to the increase in Tm. On the other hand, a slight change in crystal thickness was noted. Although the basic thermal characteristics of the samples were mostly unchanged, AgSnO2 dramatically altered the way PBAT crystallized. When AgSnO2 was added to PBAT, the temperature at which crystallization (Tc (onset)) started to develop improved from 91.9 °C for neat PBAT to 110.6 °C for PBAT composites with a 5.0% AgSnO2 content. For the PBAT/AgSnO2 composite films, the DSC crystallization peak increased, indicating that AgSnO2 is a good crystallizing agent for increasing the crystallization temperature peak of PBAT. PBAT with semicrystalline polymers with aromatic rings in their backbones can promote the catalytic action of aromatic chemical structures. For example, the PBAT for aliphatic-aromatic polyester could use carbon nanotubes [40].

3.3.8. Mechanical Strength of PBAT/AgSnO2 Composites

The mechanical properties of the PBAT and PBAT/AgSnO2 composite films were examined to determine their mechanical performance, as shown in . A shows the stress-strain curves for PBAT/AgSnO2 composites. The tensile strength and elongation at break of the AgSnO2-filled PBAT composites are influenced by filler loading, as shown in B. Increasing the AgSnO2 concentration in the PBAT matrix from 0.5% to 5.0% increased the tensile strength significantly. When compared with pure PBAT (9.43 MPa), the PBAT/AgSnO2 (5.0 wt.%) composite film had a higher tensile strength (22.82 MPa). Increased filler concentrations could explain the discontinuity because it weakens the strength, and the modulus is reduced due to the filler-matrix interface and the agglomeration of filler particles. Neat PBAT is highly elastic, with a high elongation at break (394.28%) and a low tensile strength (9.43 MPa). The tensile strength changed significantly with the inclusion of 1.0 wt.% AgSnO2 (17.12 MPa), and the elongation at break decreased to 369.15%. An increase in AgSnO2 concentration to 5.0 wt.%. resulted in an increase in tensile strength (22.82 MPa) and a decrease in the elongation at break to 237.00%. The AgSnO2 filler and PBAT exhibited good interfacial adhesion, which is probably the reason. Strong interfacial bonding is required for success between the matrix and the filler in terms of stress. SEM showed that the filler appears to have a good dispersion, which most likely leads weak areas to form in the composites, which leads the sample to break off. The stiffness and the material ductility are sacrificed to obtain the strength value. When a filler is introduced, the stiffness should increase, but it may burst too soon and lose strength because the filler makes the material less brittle. The improvement in tensile characteristics can be attributed to torrefaction because of compatibility with the PBAT matrix and the proper dispersion of hydrophobic mass. As a result, the tensile properties match the results of the SEM. FTIR spectroscopy suggested that this might be the outcome of filler aggregation. The entanglement density is reduced when the filler content increases. Stress concentration spots are promoted at the macro-phase separated filler-polymer interface. Hence, the tensile strength is increased while still maintaining the characteristically good elongation at break of the unfilled PBAT.

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3.3.9. Oxygen Transmission Rate (OTR)

A presents the OTR of the PBAT and PBAT/AgSnO2 composites. For the PBAT film, the OTR was .62 cc/m2/day·atm, which decreased to 688.25 cc/m2/day.atm after AgSnO2 (5.0 wt.%) mixing on PBAT. The addition of a different weight % of AgSnO2 then led to a significant decrease. The OTR value was lowered to .58 cc/m2/day.atm for 1.0 wt. %; 2.0 wt. % AgSnO2 showed the minimum value of 961.15 cc/m2/day.atm. The formation of a tortuous path that makes it pass through the film is challenging for gas molecules and is the process behind increased permeability. In addition, the OTR was decreased by the orientation and highest shuck (off) level of AgSnO2 in PBAT. The effect of the filler, the crystallization behavior of the polymer composites, and the interaction between the matrix and fillers at contact are some aspects that might increase the barrier properties of the composites. Venkatesan et al. reported lower barrier properties because of poor interfacial adhesion between the PBAT matrix and SnO2 [23]. In this study, adding AgSnO2 to PBAT decreased the OTR because of the formation of a more tortuous path for diffusing molecules, which allowed it to evade impermeable fillers.

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3.3.10. Water Vapor Transmission Rate (WVTR)

Food packaging materials must have a low WVTR to decrease the consumption of water vapor that is transmitted between the food and the atmosphere [41,42]. PBAT and PBAT/AgSnO2 composite films were evaluated for their WVTR, as shown in B and listed in . The pure PBAT has a WVTR of 124.54 g/m2/day. The WVTR value was decreased to 48.67 g/m2/day after AgSnO2 (5.0 wt. %) was mixed into the PBAT matrix. By including 1.0 wt. % of AgSnO2, the WVTR value of the films was lowered to 108.45 g/m2/day. Adding the 2.0 wt. % of AgSnO2 to still resulted in a reduction in the WVTR value, which was 96.57 g/m2/day. The PBAT film with 3.0 wt. % AgSnO2 incorporation showed the minimum value of 77.72 g/m2/day. These results showed that an increase in AgSnO2 in the PBAT matrix resulted in a reduction in WVTR. These results might be due to the even distribution of AgSnO2 throughout the PBAT matrix, which produced a circuitous path for the transmission of water vapor and extended the effective path of diffusion. AgSnO2 and PBAT produced hydrogen bonds that enhanced the force of adhesion and limited the passing of water molecules through the film.

Table 2

S. NoComposition of PBAT/AgSnO2
Composites (wt.%)OTR (cc/m2/day.atm)WVTR (g/m2/day)1.100/0..62 ± 3.40 a124.54 ± 2.96 a2.99.5/0..59 ± 2.01 a119.59 ± 2.28 a3.99.0/1..58 ± 2.74 c108.45 ± 3.15 c4.98.0/2..15 ± 3.05 a96.57 ± 2.71 c5.97.0/3..62 ± 2.55 b77.72 ± 3.40 a6.95.0/5..25 ± 1.81 c48.67 ± 2.20 aOpen in a separate window

3.3.11. Water Contact Angle Analysis (WCA)

The wettability was evaluated using the contact angle to find if a surface is hydrophilic or hydrophobic. Hydrophobic surfaces are those with a surface contact angle of more than 100°. shows the contact angle values of the PBAT/AgSnO2 composites with the different wt.% of AgSnO2. The PBAT film has a 60.1° contact angle. The contact angle value increased to 100.7° when PBAT was mixed with PBAT film, showing the hydrophobicity of the PBAT film. The contact angle value increased to 72.7°, even though PBAT contained 1.0 wt.% AgSnO2. Similarly, for 3.0 and 5.0 wt.% of AgSnO2 in the PBAT matrix, the contact angle value was increased to 92.1° and 100.7°. The contact angle increased when AgSnO2 was added, indicating the hydrophobicity of the PBAT/AgSnO2 composite films. The hydrophobicity of AgSnO2 was modeled by the density-functional theory. The binding energy between the water molecules was high compared to the absorption coefficient on the AgSnO2 surface. As a result, groups of water molecules formed on the surface. In addition, other factors, such as the degree of loading, compatibility, and polymer matrix, have a major impact on hydrophobicity [43].

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3.3.12. Soil Degradation of PBAT/AgSnO2 Composites

The biodegradation of the PBAT/AgSnO2 composites was determined by the changes in the weight of the film. The weight loss of the specimens after 1, 2, 4, and 8 weeks was used to evaluate the biodegradation levels of the PBAT/AgSnO2 composites, as shown in . Figure S5 shows the appearance of the samples. The humidity and chemical structure of the materials have a significant impact on their biodegradability. The PBAT/AgSnO2 composite film (ACP-5.0) exhibited the highest % of weight loss after the eighth week owing to its hydrophilicity. The polymer could be quickly absorbed by soil moisture, weakening the polymer chains and making them more susceptible to breakdown at the aliphatic chains. ACP-3.0 degraded to only approximately 65% of its original condition after eight weeks, the lowest amount of all the synthesized films. This suggests that the chemical interactions in the polymer were not readily amenable to biodegradation. Interestingly, compared to the PBAT film, the ACP-3.0 and ACP-5.0 films, which included 3.0 wt.% and 5.0 wt.% of AgSnO2, biodegraded faster (approximately 65.2 and 78.4%, respectively, in eight weeks). The composites and mixed materials beat the PBAT matrix in terms of strength because of their mechanical strength and intermolecular interactions. PBAT appears to be less vulnerable to soil microorganisms. These results suggest that AgSnO2 was present in ACP-3.0 and ACP-5.0 and had a significant impact on their ability to biodegrade. Furthermore, this behavior was observed in the PBAT composites that contained fillers, such as lignin [44,45], starch [46,47,48], cellulose fiber [49], crystals [50], CaCO3 [51,52], and eggshell powder [53].

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3.3.13. Evaluation of the Antimicrobial Activity of the PBAT Composites

The major issue of food spoilage and foodborne illnesses is the development of pathogenic microorganisms. Packaging for food must have antimicrobial activity. The antimicrobial effectiveness of the PBAT films was evaluated using the zone of inhibition method on gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. S. aureus and E. coli were selected because they are the main microorganisms that lead to foodborne diseases (100 CFU/g total colonies) [54]. The PBAT/AgSnO2 composite films showed good antimicrobial activity, as shown in , which are represented by the obtained values in Table S2. Food pathogenic microorganisms showed no antimicrobial effects when subjected to the neat PBAT film. The zone of inhibition was increased to 14.20 mm for S. aureus and 16.19 mm for E. coli by adding 5.0 wt.% of AgSnO2 to PBAT. Similarly, at 3.0 wt.% of AgSnO2, the zone of inhibition was still down to 9.36 mm for S. aureus and 12.84 mm for E. coli. The 0.5 wt.% of AgSnO2 composites showed the highest reduction of 8.11 mm for S. aureus and 8.29 mm for E. coli. The good antimicrobial activities of AgSnO2 were the source of its ability to prevent the growth of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. The addition of AgSnO2 to the PBAT matrix increased the antimicrobial properties of the composite films.

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3.3.14. Migration of the AgSnO2 Studies

lists the migration of the PBAT and PBAT/AgSnO2 composites. Only a limited amount of research has concentrated on the migration of oxide nanoparticles, while the most popular studies on the migration of nanostructured materials from food packaging to foods were focused mainly on nanosilver [55,56]. The requirements for conducting migration tests are specified in the European Commission (EC) regulations. Most migration studies used inert ingredients because of the lack of studies on the migration of particles into actual foods. The level of migration of AgSnO2 components (silver and stannic oxide) for the small amounts of material migrated [57] increased mostly with temperature and time during the day. AgSnO2 was used in the PBAT composites at different concentrations (0.5 to 5.0 wt.%), and the average concentration was 20.00 mg/L. In conformity with the results of the migration analysis, 10.95 mg/L (SnO2 = 407; Ag ˂ 0.27) of AgSnO2 migrated from the PBAT composites at a constant temperature of &#;2 °C. In PBAT at 0 °C, 9.47 mg/L (SnO2 = 355; Ag ˂ 0.15) of AgSnO2 was migrated. Hence, some AgSnO2 leakage occurred in the food samples that were stored. At 0 °C, the PBAT migration was at its maximum level. The maximum migration limit is 0.01 mg/L based on the standard [58].

Table 3

Concentration in Packaging MaterialsMatrixTest ProcedureAnalytical MethodsMigration Amount
(20.0 mg/L)PBAT filmThe composite was exposed to the simulant for 2 h at &#;2 °C.ICP-MSSnO2 = 407
Ag < 0.21PBAT filmThe composite was exposed to the simulant for 2 h at 0 °C.ICP-MSSnO2 = 355
Ag < 0.15Open in a separate window

3.3.15. Food Packaging Experiment

The ability of ACP-5.0 to protect food and extend its shelf life was evaluated using it as a protective film for carrot vegetables. Studies of the physical changes in the carrot vegetable were performed, and the results were compared with those of carrots wrapped in commercial polyethylene for 14 days at room temperature and those left open to the air. In contrast to the current PBAT/AgSnO2 composites (ACP-0.5, ACP-1.0, ACP-2.0, and ACP-3.0), and PBAT film, the ACP-5.0 composite film showed a good antimicrobial, mechanical, water vapor, and oxygen barrier properties.

represents the external appearance of packed carrot slices after 14 days of observation. Compared to the carrots packaged with neat PBAT, carrots packaged with ACP-5.0 film have the finest color and shine [ I&#;L]. After three days, the carrots stored in the open [ A&#;D] or inside a commercial polyethylene film started to deteriorate and were completely damaged by the 14 days of observation. The ACP-5.0 films [ M&#;P] kept the objects fresh, even after nine days, with no discernible deterioration. By the conclusion of the 14th day, the carrots showed a few minor changes, but they were wet and delicious. Indumathi et al., and Chi et al., indicated that the shelf lives of fruit and vegetables were increased by adding nanofillers in biodegradable films used for food preservation [59,60]. When used to package foods, these packaging films can prevent foods from browning while still being stored and increase the duration of food storage. The results suggested that biodegradable PBAT/AgSnO2 composites can be used for food packaging.

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What is PBAT plastic? Pros and cons of PBAT - EuroPlas

What is PBAT plastic? Pros and cons of PBAT

PBAT, or Polybutylene Adipate Terephthalate, is a type of biodegradable and compostable plastic that is gaining popularity as an eco-friendly solution to the problem of plastic waste. PBAT is made from renewable resources, such as corn starch and sugarcane, and can break down naturally in the environment. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of PBAT plastic and its applications. Whether you're looking to use this material in your business or just want to learn more about it, this article provides valuable information that you can use to make informed decisions.


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1. What is PBAT plastic?

1.1. What is PBAT?

PBAT (Polybutylene Adipate Terephthalate) is a type of thermoplastic polymer that is quickly gaining popularity as an eco-friendly alternative to traditional petroleum-based plastics. 

- What is PBAT made from? PBAT is made from renewable resources such as sugar cane and corn starch and is a copolymer of polybutylene adipate and terephthalic acid.

- Is PBAT biodegradable? It is known for its biodegradability and compostability, which means it can be broken down into its constituent parts by microorganisms in the environment, reducing its impact on the ecosystem. 

PBAT polymer can be processed using conventional plastic processing techniques and can be blended with other biodegradable polymers to improve its properties. The use of PBAT in packaging and consumer goods is expected to continue to grow as consumers and businesses look for more sustainable solutions.

1.2. Applications:

PBAT plastic has a wide range of applications due to its unique properties and eco-friendly nature. Some of the most common applications of PBAT polymer include:

- Compostable food packaging: PBAT's flexibility and moisture resistance make it ideal for packaging food items, such as fruit and vegetable bags, snack packaging, and cereal boxes. Its ability to provide a good barrier against gases and liquids helps extend the shelf life of food products.

- Compostable agriculture films: PBAT's toughness and resistance to moisture make it suitable for use in agriculture films, such as mulch films, greenhouse films, and silage covers.

- Compostable biodegradable shopping bags: PBAT can be used to manufacture biodegradable shopping bags, which can help reduce the amount of plastic waste in the environment.

- Compostable home and personal care products: PBAT can be used to manufacture a variety of home and personal care products, such as shampoo bottles, soap containers, and toothbrushes.

- Medical products: PBAT can be used in the manufacture of medical products such as suture materials, wound dressings, and other medical devices.

Overall, the versatility and eco-friendly nature of PBAT polymer make it a promising alternative to traditional petroleum-based plastics, and its use is expected to continue to grow as consumers and businesses seek more sustainable solutions.

2. Advantages and disadvantages of PBAT

This section will provide an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of PBAT, helping you make an informed decision about whether it's the right choice for your needs.

2.1. Advantages of PBAT:

- Biodegradability and compostability: PBAT is biodegradable and compostable, meaning it can be broken down into its constituent parts by microorganisms in the environment. This helps to reduce its impact on the ecosystem and minimizes plastic waste.

- Renewable resources: PBAT is made from renewable resources such as sugar cane and corn starch, reducing its reliance on non-renewable petroleum-based resources.

- Versatile: PBAT is flexible and tough, making it suitable for a wide range of applications such as food packaging, agriculture films, and biodegradable shopping bags.

- Good barrier properties: PBAT provides a good barrier against gases and liquids, helping to extend the shelf life of packaged goods and maintain the freshness of food items.

2.2. Disadvantages of PBAT:

- Cost: PBAT is more expensive to produce compared to traditional petroleum-based plastics, which can make it more expensive for consumers.

- Limited industrial use: PBAT is not as widely used in the industry compared to traditional plastics, which may limit its availability and make it harder to find a suitable solution for some applications.

- Environmental impact: Although PBAT is biodegradable and compostable, it still has an impact on the environment if not disposed of properly. The composting process also requires specific conditions to break down the material effectively.

- Performance limitations: PBAT has some performance limitations compared to traditional petroleum-based plastics, such as a lower melting temperature and reduced resistance to UV light and heat.

3. PBAT vs PLA: what is the difference?

PBAT (Polybutylene Adipate Terephthalate) and PLA (Polylactic Acid) are both biodegradable and compostable plastics that are gaining popularity as alternatives to traditional petroleum-based plastics. However, they have some key differences that set them apart from each other.

- Composition: PBAT is a copolymer made from a combination of polybutylene adipate and polyethylene terephthalate, while PLA is made from lactic acid, which is derived from corn starch, sugarcane, or other renewable resources.

- Performance: PBAT is flexible and tough, making it suitable for a wide range of applications such as food packaging and biodegradable shopping bags. On the other hand, PLA is rigid and brittle, making it more suitable for applications where stiffness and dimensional stability are important, such as cutlery, drinking straws, and packaging for electronics.

- Biodegradability and compostability: Both PBAT and PLA are biodegradable and compostable, but PBAT has a faster degradation rate compared to PLA, meaning it will break down more quickly in the environment.

- Cost: PBAT is more expensive to produce compared to traditional petroleum-based plastics, while PLA is typically more expensive compared to PBAT.

In conclusion, both PBAT vs PLA have their own unique advantages and disadvantages and the choice between them will depend on the specific requirements of the application. It is important to carefully evaluate the trade-offs between performance, cost, and environmental impact when making a decision.

4. Finding a reliable PBAT plastic supplier?

As environmental concerns grow, more and more companies are looking for eco-friendly and sustainable alternatives to traditional plastics. In this pursuit, PBAT (polybutylene adipate-co-terephthalate) plastic has emerged as a promising option.

For those looking to incorporate PBAT plastic into their products, finding a reliable supplier is crucial. In this regard, EuroPlas is a top masterbatch manufacturer in Vietnam, offering a wide range of bioproducts to meet the needs of various industries. EuroPlas offers two bioproducts, the BiONext bio-compound, and the BiOMates bio filler. 

4.1. Bio compound - BiONext

- Components: BiONext is a combination of bioplastic and other components such as reinforced CaCO3 powder, modified starch powder, specific plasticizers, talc, and specific additives. This unique composition of components offers a range of useful characteristics.

- Characteristics: The biodegradable nature of BiONext makes it an environmentally friendly choice, breaking down within 12 months after use. Its full function in one material allows it to be directly processed without the need for additional materials. BiONext boasts high stiffness, low melt flow index, high impact strength, and ease of processing, making it an ideal material for a range of applications. It also has the ability to keep moisture on the surface, resulting in longer food preservation.

- Applications: BiONext is ideal for a variety of applications such as food packaging, biodegradable shopping bags, and other packaging materials. Its durability and sustainability make it a preferred choice for businesses looking to reduce their environmental footprint.

- Product Codes: BiONext is available in a range of product codes including 102, 152, 400, 500, 600, and 700. Each product code offers different properties and performance characteristics, making it easy to find the right BiONext product for your specific needs.

4.2. Biofiller - BiOMates

- Components: BiOMates, a bio filler produced by EuroPlas, is a crucial component in the creation of biodegradable products. It is made of a mixture of bio-resin and modified components, such as CaCO3, BaSO4, talc, along with dispersion additives. The result is a material that provides added strength and durability to biodegradable products.

- Characteristics: The characteristics of BiOMates include its biodegradability, making it an environmentally friendly choice for various applications. In addition, it offers a cost-effective solution, as it can be used in conjunction with other bio-based resins.

- Applications: The applications of BiOMates are diverse, including biodegradable film, dental picks and floss, straws, thermoformed trays, single-use utensils, shopping bags, food packaging film, rolling film, and mulch film.

- Product Codes: To purchase BiOMates, customers can choose from product codes 01, 02, and 03. Each product code offers different properties and performance characteristics, making it easy to find the right BiOMates product for your specific needs.

Overall, these bioproducts from EuroPlas are designed to meet the growing demand for environmentally-friendly products. With over 15 years of experience in the industry, EuroPlas has established a reputation for producing high-quality products and providing excellent customer service.

For more information about EuroPlas and our bioproducts, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our team is always available to answer any questions you may have and help you find the best solution for your needs. So why wait? Take the first step towards a more sustainable future today by choosing EuroPlas as your PBAT plastic supplier.

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit compostable pbat plastic for biodegradable toys.

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